Business Communication-munotes

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Unit Structure
1.0 Learning Objectives
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Models of Communication (Linear/Interactive/ Transactional/
Shannon and Weaver)
1.3 Meaning and definition of Communication
1.4 Process of Communication or Communication Cycle
1.5 Feedback
1.6 Need of Communication in Business
1.7 Emergence of Communication as a Key Concept in the Corporate and
Global World
1.8 Exercises
1.9 References

● To understand the meaning and the process of communication.
● To understand the importance of Feedback.
● To analyse the importance of Communication in corporate global

The process of Communication is as old as human civilization. One can
say that humans and communication have evolved simultaneously. Before
we move ahead let us understand the word communication.

The word „Communication‟ is derived from the Latin word
„communicare ‟ meaning to share, to impart, to understand etc. We want
to share ideas, information, feelings, emotions, and experience with others.
Therefore to express ourselves we need to communicate.

Communication is not talking to oneself or talking to a receiver. It is not a
one way process. It has to be a two -way process to call it a proper
communication. The process of communication requires a minimum of
two people - one sender and one receiver.

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There are various theories in communication. Let us understand these

Models of communication are conceptual based models that are used to
explain the communication process and how it works.

A. The Shannon -Weaver Linear Model (1949 ): Claude Elwood
Shannon prepared this model in 1948 with an introduction given by
Warren Weaver who was working with Bell Laboratories. The name
Linear means in a straight line. Their goal was to develop a theory based
on the efforts of engineers in finding out the best method of transmitting
electrical signals from one location to another. It is a kind of one way
communication process.

Here the sender is the person who sends the message after encoding his
ideas. Encoding is a process of converting or chan ging the message into
codes into understandable language for the receiver. Decoding is the
process of changing the encoded message into understandable language by
the receiver of the message.

a. Simple and easy method of Communication.
b. The flow is in one direction i.e. from sender to receiver hence good
for giving orders and instructions.
c. Responsibility of the sender is more in this type of communication.
d. This type is applicable to mass communication like newspapers ,
television, magazine s.

a. One way communication becomes a problem as only the sender
b. Communication should be a two way process. That means both the
persons the sender and the receiver are important.
c. Feedback is not given importance in such communication.

B. Interactive Model:
Here two linear models are stacked on top of each other. In other words
the message goes from the sender to the receiver of the message and back
from receiver to the sender of the message in the form of feedback. For
example the Human -computer interaction is termed as an interactive
model of communication or it could be social media through computers or
mobile phones.

a. Two-way communication process makes it complete.

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b. Both sender and receiver are important in this type of communication.

a. The sender and receiver must have the capacity to understand one
b. Communication is not taken as dynamic. It is considered to have the
same pattern.

C. Transactional Model:
In this model the sender and the receiver take turns to become the sender
and the receiver . In this process the sending and the receiving occurs at
almost the same time. It contains ellipses meaning that there will be
common areas in which both the communi cators share the same meaning
of the concept. Hence this process has a continuous change as the
feedback keeps changing through facial expressions, verbal feedback and
so on. Here both the communicators are interdependent on one another.
Here in this proce ss there is a beginning and end of communication.

a. Both sender and receiver are important components of this process.
b. Since it is interdependent, it is an effective way for conversations.

a. The model has now become less relevant to its usage in electronic
medium where it becomes difficult to find the sender and receiver.
b. Communication may happen not in turns but more than one message
can be sent at the same time to people.
c. Communication is mostly circular in nature and no t linear.

a. “Communication is the process by which information is transmitted
between individuals and/or organizations so that an understanding
response results.” (Peter Little in Oral and Written Communication)
b. “Communication is the exchange of messages between people for the
purpose of achieving common meanings.” (Bartol and Martin)
c. “Communication is an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions or emotions
by two or more persons.” (Newman and Yummer)

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1. ‘Sender/idea : The sender develops or conceptualizes the message or
the idea to be sent to the receiver. In this stage the sender plans the
2. Encoding: It means translating the message or the idea into meaningful
3. Message: After the sender encodes the message it can be transmitted to
the receiver. The message can be oral, written, non -verbal or through
signals and signs.
4. Channel/Medium: The best medium is to be selected by the sender of
the message to the receiver. It could be speaking, writing, non -verbal,
signs etc.
5. Transmission : Finally the sender transmits the message through a
chosen channel. In this process the sender ends the process of
6. Decoding: It is the interpretation of the message. The receiver converts
the thoughts, ideas, and messages into a series of symbols and then
analyses it to make it into meaningful information. The communication
can be said to be complete if the sender and the receiver have the same
meaning attached to the message.



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7. Feedback: The response given by the receiver of the message to the
sender of the message is called Feedback . It ensures that the receiver
has correctly received and understood the message. This makes it a
two-way communication process. Feedback makes the receiver as
important as the sender of the messag e.

Example Mr. Bakshi called his subordinate Mr. Joshi and said: “I want
you to prepare the latest report on production.” During his call, there was
a lot of noise disturbance in the network and therefore Mr . Joshi could
only understand “ I want you to prepare.” The Transmission was
interrupted and therefore , the message could not reach Mr. Joshi and
therefore , Mr. Bakshi‟s work was not completed on time.

Feedback is very important whether it is positive or negative. It is valuable
information that will help make important decisions. To reach at the top
whether at personal level or professional level feedback is important. Even
top performing organizations and companies insist on feedback from their
customers. The benefits of feedback can be to improve performance of the
employees or the organization, it is a tool for learning continuously and
upgrading the performance thus helping the company to stay focused on
its goal. It helps boost the morale of the employee and thus help them and
motivate them to do better. Feedback becomes effective if effective
listening is done. When people take listening seriously a lot of inputs can
happen either orally or in writing.

Types of Feedback: Feedback can be of various types.
1. Judgemental Feedback: It is also called as evaluative feedback where
a person analyses the talk and then decides to give feedback . Feedback
should be genuine Being judgemental about a person for his personal traits
could be easy for other people but difficult for the person who is being
criticized. It can either make a person motivated to do better in future or
break him so that he does not want to improve on his performance and
take a side seat.

2. Oral or written: Feedback can be oral like in face -to-face
communication or in interpersonal communication or even in telephonic
conversation. Written communication can take more time as compared to
oral communication. Here the sender or the receiver may or may not be
present at the time of feedback. Hence it becomes a long process.
Therefore in oral communication feedback is immediate as compared to
written communication .

3. Long or short feedback: Feedback can be short in the form of „yes‟ or
„no‟ in oral communication o r it could be long as in a written
communication where some kind of detailed explanation is required to
understand and take action for the message given .

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How to achieve Effective Communication:
A person in a corporate world should know how to communicate
effectively. He should be in a position to get the work done in an effective
way. Let it be insurance companies, business houses whether big or small
consumers, all make a vast and complex world . If communication is poor
it further results in time loss and money and even efforts. Therefore, a
successful businessman should be in a position to keep himself abreast of
the latest developments in technologies related to communication.

The following a re the principles of Effective Communication:
1. Objective : You must have a clear objective in your mind as to what
needs to be communicated. This will help the sender of the message to
stick to the point and avoid unnecessary talk and irrelevant discussions and
also help save time.

2. Arrange the message : Whether it is encoding or decoding one should
use signs and symbols familiar to both the parties. Otherwise if it is not
clear it will create confusion and the whole purpose of transferring the
information becomes useless. Also see that the message attracts the
attention of the receiver.

3. Select correct Channel : If the message to be conveyed is oral or
written, see that it goes correctly, clearly and quickly. It should not have a
double meaning. If the person is illiterate, the oral way of sending the
message is the best way to communicate. While sending messages which
may have some legal implications then it is necessary to send the message
in writing instead of calling over the phone.

4. Know your receiver: If you know your receiver it will become easy to
draft the message and send it to him /her. It becomes easy whether to use
signs and symbols or written messages or both.

5.Take Feedback : Insist that the receiver gives you feedback once the
message reaches him /her. It becomes more clear whether the message was
properly understood or not by the receiver.

6. Give Prompt response: Once the feedback is received from the
receiver immediate action should be taken in its response. Do not ignore it
or else it loses its importance.

Now let us discuss communication from a business point of view. Any
Business organization has business related activities like buying and
selling of services and products with the intention to earn profit. In order
to carry out activities related to business. So every businessman has to
communicate with people from other organizations, government offices,
media etc.

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Time is money and therefore the businessman t ries not to receive
unnecessary communication but information pertinent only to business.

The following points asserts need for communication for any business :
1. Information e xchange : Communication means exchange of
information between two or more parties. Through this organization
exchange information either internally or externally with various people
both within and outside the organization.

2. Plans and policies : To make plans and policies any organization
requires communication. To make plans and policies the managers require
information which is realistic, relevant and adequate. For getting the
information it requires proper communication to be done.

3. To increase employee’s efficiency : If proper communication is done it
helps in increasing the efficiency of the employees of the organization.
Proper communication helps to give organizational plans, policies
objectives, directives, rules and other complex matters explaining to them
how to carry out a work thus enabling to broaden their knowledge and
help them to become efficient.

4. To achieve desired result : Effective communication helps employees
to work consciously and attentively and ensures timely accomplishment of
various jobs tha t require some deadline.

5. Problem s olving : Through the various channels of communication the
higher level people like the managers are informed or they come to know
the various routine day - to- day problems as well as non -routine ones. This
helps them to solve the problems and find solutions to those problems.

6. Taking decisions : Managers require timely updates of things happening
in their organization, so that they can take timely decisions from time to
time thus help the organization to run in a smooth manner.

7. Removing controversial talk : Communication when done effectively
allows the information to flow smoothly and clearly thus removing the
conflicts, controversies, disagreement, and argument at bay.

8. Healthy i ndustrial relations : A good relationship between
management and its employees is desired by everyone. This becomes a
way to do business in a successful manner. A good industrial relations
both within and outside the organization helps to have healthy industrial

9. Enhancing l oyalty and job satisfaction : Communication helps the
managers to become aware of the performance of the employees. This
gives them the scope to help them improve their performance thus giving
them job satisfaction as well as loyalty towards t he organization when they
are praised by the management of the organisation.

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Communication has evolved from the time humans were created. Today it
has a bigger role to play. Good communication can make a big difference.
It can decide the success and failure of Business Communication. In order
to become successful, today‟s businessm an needs to be very clear while
communicating about his goals, his customers, suppliers, feedback etc.
S/he should know the complexities of communication. While
communicating at an international level he/she should keep in mind the
inter-cultural differenc es that may exist between various countries. The
following points bring out the importance of Business Communication in
the Corporate Global World :

1. Global Village : The world has become a global village with a lot of
multinational companies making their way in various companies. To
bridge the gap communication has become an integral part. Service
providers get information about various places, culture, language s,
manners and even translation of words to make things easy.

2. High Competition : Since there are new avenues opening every day for
business competition has also increased in business. To compete in today‟s
world the businessman needs to create new customers, retain the old ones,
give them the latest services and products a t a lower price. To do this
effective communication becomes very important to build goodwill and
image of the company.

3. Growing Specialization : Today‟s age is an age of specialization. The
work is now divided into various parts where a specialized person will
perform his job in an accurate manner. For this communication skill is
required to coordinate, build trust, and understanding among variou s levels
of people.

4. Revolution in Information Technology : In the last few decades there
is a revolution in Information Technology which has changed the way we
communicate. The businessman has access to computers, internet,
videoconferencing, webinar. T his requires proper maintenance and
accurate data. To pass this information across different geographical
boundaries the organization requires efficient communication among all.

5. Complexities in a Business Organization : Today business
organizations have to employ a large number of employees as there are big
size organizations . These organizations have branches in that country as
well as in other countries. To handle such big organization, effective
communication is the way to make the employees work for the
organization and help it to reach greater heights.

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Conclusion : To sum up Communication is as important as food . To
transfer facts , ideas, opinions, emotions, thoughts one requires effective
communication skills. Therefore , we can say that communication is a
complex process. It can become effective if it is done in a two -way
manner. The sender of the message and the receiver of the message are
equally important. Business Communication therefore requires skill in
handling the business in today‟s time. With the advent of technology
communication has become fast, easy and to the point. Feedback for
communication is also very important to get the overall picture of the
process. So be it face - to- face communication, or written co mmunication
or non -verbal communication it needs to be tackled in a proper way.

1. Define Communication and discuss the Process of Communication.
2. Define Feedback. Discuss various types of feedback.
3. Explai n the Need and Importance of Business Communication.
4. Discuss the r elevance of Feedback in Communication Process.
5. Discuss the importance of Communication.
6. Explain how effective communication can be achieved.
7. How is communication important in the corporate global world?

 Business Communication: Manan Prakashan: Dr. S.D. Mulgaonkar,
V.G. Waradkar, Shubhada. A. Bapat, Dr. Neeta Chakravarthy.
 Business Communication: Himalaya Publishing House: Dr. Muktha.M.
Jacob, Ms. Chippy.S. Bobby, Dr. Shefali Naranje
 Business Communication: Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd. Rhoda.A.Doctor,
Aspi. H. Doctor, Dr. Sanobar Hussaini, Meghna Shinde -Chakne
 Business Communication: Himalaya Publishing House: C.S.G.
Krishnamacharyulu, Lalitha Ramakrishnan.
 Business Communication: Himal aya Publishing House: Rajeesh
 Effective Business Communication: Mc Graw Hill: Herta, Jane and
 Effective Business Communiation: Conept Publishing Company Pvt.
Ltd. Rodriques M.V.


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Unit Structure
2.0 Objectives
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objectives of Communication
2.2.1 Information
2.2.2 Education and Training
2.2.3 Motivation
2.2.4 Persuasion
2.2.5 Raising Morale
2.2.6 Order and Instruction
2.2.7 Warning
2.2.8 Advice and Counseling
2.3 Channels of Communication
2.3.1 Formal Channel
2.3.2 Informal Channel
2.4 Methods of Communication
2.4.1 Verbal Communication
2.4.2 Non-verbal Communication
2.5 Exercises
2.6 References

2.0.1 The learner will be able to understand the objectives of business
2.0.2 The learner will be able to identify different types of channels in
the process of communication
2.0.3 The learner will be able to distinguish between differe nt methods
of communication and use of the appropriate method to

In the first Unit, we rea d about the concept/definition of communication
and the process of communication. Communication means exchange of
information or idea s between the sender and receiver. In this Unit, we will
learn about communication at the workplace.

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What is communication at the workplace?
Workplace communication is basically the transfer of information from
one person or group to another person or a g roup in an organization. It can
include emails, memos, voicemails, notes, reports etc. Workplace
communication is crucial for any organization. It helps the organization to
develop, sustain, be more productive and operate smoothly. Research has
proved tha t excellent communication results in excellent overall
performance of the organization. Exceptional workplace communication
helps the organization in following ways:
 Increased productivity
 Reduced conflicts
 Increased job satisfaction for the employees
 Better client relationships
 Developing client base
 High morale of the employees
 Improved work culture
 Better coordination and cooperation between employees and
 Healthy relationships
 Motivation
 Initiative and participation from the employees

William G. Scott has defined Business Communication as,
“Administrative Communication is a process which involves the
transmission and accurate replication of ideas ensured by feedback for the
purpose of eliciting actions which will accomplish organizational goals.”

The definition explains the main motive or objective of any organisation to
achieve organizational goals. To achieve organizational goals, it is
necessary to keep the ways and objectives of communication clear.
Orga nisations can achieve excellent communication by ensuring that the
communication in the organisation is taking place keeping its objective

Whenever people communicate, whether in personal life or professional
life, they always communicate with cer tain objectives. After a very tiring
and hectic day, if I am communicating about it to my friend, it means my
objective is to share experiences and to feel relaxed. Similarly, in a
business environment, people always communicate with certain
objectives. Th e communication may take place to inform employees about
something, to persuade them to accept something, to establish or regain
credibility, to offer suggestions, to appreciate, to motivate, to execute an
order, to train employees or the management etc.

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The objectives of communication at the workplace can be listed as below:

2.2.1 Information: Information is one of the most important objectives of
communication. All the organisations thrive on information. The success
of the organisation depends upon th e kind of information flows in, out and
within the organisation. Information can be of two types –

a. Internal information: Employees of the organisation should be aware
about their roles and responsibilities, employees’ beneficial schemes,
organisation’ s history, its market position, its competitors. Along with this,
company progress reports , information about new recruits, targets
achieved by the company on quarterly basis, acquisition of new client s is
also included in internal information of the organ isation.

b. External information: Organisations deal with many stakeholders on an
everyday basis. This includes clients, suppliers, shareholders, financers,
government agencies and prospective clients/buyers. Organisation keeps
on exchanging information with these stakeholders regularly. External
information includes information about new launches, company audit
reports published in the newspapers, organisation’s report given to
shareholders, press releases, interviews of management in trade
magazines, co nsumers’ responses (opinions or feedbacks) about the
company’s products etc.

Information is the key to success in today’s world. Right information used
in the right manner results in better prospects for the organisation.

2.2.2 Education and Training: It is necessary to keep oneself abreast
with the new information and technology. Through education and training
as an objective of communication, it can be achieved. When any new
employee joins, an induction program is conducted for the employee,
where S/he gets information about the organisation’s structure and culture.
S/he also can be given on -job training. Thus education and training help
employees to get in -depth knowledge about the organisation.

Education and training in any organisation can take p lace at three different
levels. Education at the level of management: Organisations send
higher level management members to attend different conferences,
seminars, workshops or trade related programs. These managers learn
about new techniques, ne w knowledge and information, related to their
own field. They educate other members of the organisation. Education at the level of employees: The higher -level managers
attend workshops, seminars or conferences to keep themselves updated.
These man agers educate the other employees about the updated

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knowledge. At the same time, whenever any new technology is introduced
in the organisation, employees are educated or trained about the same. Education at the level of the general public: The orga nisations
educate the general public through advertisements about their products. It
publishes annual audit reports in the newspapers, which guides the general
public about the financial health of the organisation.

2.2.3 Motivation: According to Robert Du bin (1970), “Motivation is the
complex set of forces starting and keeping a person at work in an
organization. Motivation is something that moves the person to action,
and continues him in the course of action already initiated.”

Motivated employees are t he need of the organisation, otherwise it will
impact the organisation adversely. If the motivation level of the employees
is down, they will not concentrate on the work, probably they will use the
time and resources just to do time -pass or search for othe r jobs.
Unmotivated employees will not work positively towards organisational
goals, while motivated employees will work positively towards
professional and personal growth. They will be more committed to their
work, their efficiency level will be up, disp ute and unrest among
employees will reduce, the employees will be more adaptable to the
changes, all these will lead to employee satisfaction which will result in
positive growth of the organisation.

Organisations can opt for different strategies like imp roved
communication with employees, valuing individual contribution, positive
workplace environment, reward system, recognition system, monetary or
non-monetary benefits, to set small and measurable goals, celebrate
results, stay positive, be transparent, promotion opportunities for the
employees, to keep the motivation level of the employees high.

“Employees who believe that management is concerned about them as a
whole person – not just an employee – are more productive, more
satisfied, more fulfilled. Satisfied employees mean satisfied customers,
which leads to profitability.”
– Anne M. Mulcahy

2.2.1 Persuasion: As per the definition given by Business Dictionary,
persuasion can be defined as “ Process aimed at changing a person's (or a
group's) attit ude or behaviour toward some event, idea, object, or other
person(s), by using written or spoken words to convey information,
feelings, or reasoning, or a combination of them”.

2.2.2 Persuasion is a process of persuading or convincing somebody to
make the m believe in your ideas.

This objective is mainly used in sales and marketing. While persuading,
one has to use the following steps:

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a. Put yourself in the receiver's place: Place yourself at the receiving end
and prepare your message accordingly. What quer ies, doubts,
apprehensions you may have if you are at the receiving end. Keep
these points in mind, and draft your message.
b. Use ‘You’ attitude: Drafting your message, keeping in mind the
desires, emotions, problems, circumstances, probable reactions of th e
receiver. This attitude helps you to put the receiver first, respecting
the receiver’s intelligence and at the same time, pampering the
receiver’s ego. Adopting ‘you’ attitude helps you to create a friendly
environment, establish mutual trust, and enhanc e the good will of a
person or a firm.
c. Present the positive side of the argument first, once you see the
receiver is ready to accept your say, present the negative side in brief.
This will help the receiver to evaluate the positive as well as negative
side and take proper decisions .

2.2.3 Raising Morale: According to the business dictionary, morale can
be defined as, “Psychological state of a person as expressed in self -
confidence, enthusiasm, and/or loyalty to a cause or organization. Morale
flows from t he people's conviction about the righteousness or worth of
their actions and the hopes of high rewards (material or otherwise) in the

High morale has a positive impact on the employee’s productivity and
performance, reduced absenteeism, collabora tion, satisfaction whereas low
morale may deviate employees from the job and lead to poor performance.
Organisations have to take special efforts to ensure that the morale of the
employees is always high. Listed below are the few things which
organisations can do for high morale:
 Be honest
 Communicate
 Keep your goals clear and convey them to employees clearly.
 Trust the employees and give a reason to them to believe in you
 Show employees that you care for them
 Recognize and appreciate the good
 Bring fun el ement at the workplace, make the workplace enjoyable

Order and Instruction : According to Articles Junction, an order can be
defined as, “ An order is an oral or written communication directing the
starting, stopping or modification of an activity.”

It is a form of communication where the superior directs the subordinate to
do or execute certain tasks . Before issuing any order the superior should
be very clear about what order S/he wishes to issue and there should be
proper planning. Orders are an importa nt part of internal communication.

Page 15

When a superior asks a subordinate to do a certain task and does not direct
how it has to be done, it is an order. When the superior shows the
subordinate how the activity/work needs to be carried out, it becomes an

There are different types of orders like oral and written, mandatory and
discretionary, procedural and operational, general or specific.

2.2.4 Warning : As it is necessary to appreciate employees for their good
work, it is equally important to give warning to the employees who tend to
be rude, non -accountable, unproductive, create disturbance, and not follow
rules and regulations of the organisation. Warning means to inform or
make employees conscious that some unpleasant actions may follow whe n
the organisation observes employees undesirable behavior.

The process of issuing warnings varies from organisation to organisation.
Before a disciplinary action is taken against any employee, the employee
is informally counselled about his behavior, at tendance, work standard or
whatever is the problem. After informal counselling, the employee is
observed for a certain period of time. If the employee's attitude or behavior
does not change then verbal warning is given to the employee. After
issuing the ve rbal warning , if the employee does not change his/her
behavior, a first written warning is issued. After a few days a second
written warning is issued. If the required improvement is not seen in the
employee, then a final written warning is issued, which is followed by
termination or dismissal of the employee. As stated earlier the process of
issuing a number of warnings and observation periods may differ for
different organisations.

2.2.5 Advice and Counseling : According to Cambridge dictionary,
advic e can be explained as an opinion that someone offers you about what
you should do or how you should act in a particular situation.

Counselling means the job or process of listening to someone and giving
that person advice about their problems.

Advice ca n be given on official or job -related matters and counselling can
be done for personal matters.

In modern days, businesses have become global and complex, so it is
difficult for an individual to run it. To run the business successfully, it is
essential t o take advice from the experts, pertaining to finance, taxation,
marketing, publicity, human resources etc.

Organised and specialized form of advice is called counselling .
Counselling is objective and impersonal. The counsellor owns great
listening skill s and knowledge of specific fields . Nowadays , almost all the
organisations have inhouse counsellors to take care of the personal
problems of the employees and their mental well -being.

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In every organisation, employees are pla ced at different levels with
different roles and responsibilities, which forms organizational structure.
Organizational structure:

Figure 2.3.0 Example of an Organizational structure.

Channels of communication means the formal set structure t hrough which
communication takes place in the organisation. Channels can be of two
types: Formal (official) and Informal (casual).
Channels Formal Informal Vertical() Horizontal() Diagonal( ) Grapevine Consensus Downward Upward            
Figure 2.3.1 Channels of communication

2.3.1 Formal Channels of Communication:
2.3.1. 1 Vertical Communication Channel:



People & Culture


Regional Heads


Logistic Team

Finance Team


Support Team

Project Support Team

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When communication flows through different levels of an organisation in
both up and down ways, it is called a vertical communication channel.

Figure 2.3.2 Example of Vertical Communication Channel

2.3.1. 1.1 Downward Communication Channel (  )
When communication flows from the upper level of the organisation to the
lower level, it is called a downward or downstream communication
channel. Orders, memos, circu lars, regulations, procedures, information,
education and training are passed through this channel.

Downward communication channel is required for any organisation
for the following reasons:
● To carry out orders
● To pass on work culture and ethics
● To motiva te the workforce to take up challenges
● To maintain discipline
● To pass on the plans and policies of the organisation to the employees

The above stated points are also the advantages of downward
communication. The flip side of downward communication is:
● Long chain of command may cause delay and dilution of message
● Lack of vision and illogical decision making on the part of
management may prove damaging to the organisation
● If the organisation gives emphasis only on using downward
communication, employees may feel frustrated, which may lead to
low morale and resignation of the employees. .2 Upward Communication Channel ()
When communication flows from the lower level of the organisation to the
upper level, it is called an upward or upstream communicat ion channel. It
is important for the organisation to inform management and employees as

Downward Communication Channel
Upward Communication Channel

Page 18

well about the different modes or ways through which upward
communication can be achieved. Reporting, suggestions, feedback,
opinions, complaints and grievance redressa l cells are some of the ways of
upward communication channels.

The upward communication is needed in the organisation for the
following reasons:
● To report on official matters, projects etc.
● To forward employees feedback, opinions
● To call for suggestions a nd participation of employees in the decision -
making process
● To make a way to address employees’ concerns, complaints,
grievances, work related demands etc.
● To create a sense of belongingness in the minds of employees through

The above state d points are also the advantages of upward
communication. The flip side of upward communication is:
● Employees may feel hesitant to participate, to give suggestions
● A Long chain of command may cause distortion and delay in the
● Inability of the senio rs to listen to subordinates will create barriers
● Employees may fail to handle the methods of upward communication Horizontal or Lateral Communication Channel ( ):
When the communication flows from one person to another working at the
same level i n the same organisation or different organisations, it is termed
as horizontal or lateral communication channel. Communication between
two members of the same team, logistic manager to sales manager or CEO
of one organisation to another, are examples of ho rizontal communication

Figure 2.3.3 Example of Horizontal Communication Channel

Horizontal communication is required in the organisation for the following
● To create team spirit among employees
● To solve difficulties
● To exchange of ficial information
● To seek and extend help and cooperation
● To increase cooperation among different employees and departments
● To take quick decisions
Sales Manager
Logistic Manager

Page 19

● To control the flow of informal communication in the organisation

The above written points can also be co nsidered as advantages of
horizontal communication.

The disadvantages of horizontal or lateral communication are:
● Ungoverned horizontal communication may lead to chaos and
● Employees may tend to waste time in unnecessary gossip
● Employees may form informal groups, which will lead to informal
communication Diagonal Communication Channel ()
When inter -level and inter -departmental or inter -organizational
communication takes place, it is called a diagonal or crosswise
communication channe l.

Figure 2.3.4 Example of Diagonal Communication Channel
When the assistant sales manager wishes to speak to the finance manager,
he/sh e can approach his/her senior sales manager and request him/her to
pass on the message to the finance manager. Sales manager will
communicate to the finance manager and then will revert to the assistant
sales manager. In this situation, basically they are following the formal
vertical and horizontal communication channel. This may lead to delay,
distortion of message. To avoid this, the assistant sales manager may
directly contact the financé manager and communicate with him directly.
This will help the ass istant sales manager to speed up the process and
make quick decisions.

Diagonal or crosswise communication channel has various advantages
● It helps up to speed the flow of information
● Problem -solving becomes easy
● Aids in bringing proper coordination among different departments of
the organisation
● It increases team spirit among different leveled employees and
Sales Manager
Finance Manager
Assistant Manager Sales
Diagonal Communication Channel

Page 20

● Helps to create healthy professional relationships
● Assists in controlling the distortion and dilution of message because
of inter -level and direct communication

As there are many advantages of diagonal communication, there are
few disadvantages also. They are listed below:
● Diagonal communication is likely to sidetrack the vertical chain of
commands, which may create doubts in the mind of seniors .
● Decisions taken using diagonal communication channel, may face
opposition from the bypassed authority
● Diagonal communication can be seen as intrusion by the bypassed

It is extremely essential for the organisation to train its employ ees to
handle diagonal communication channels. Consensus Communication Channel :
Consensus means agreement on a certain decision which is arrived at after
consultation. The Dictionary of Management defines consensus as,”
General agreement by a numb er of people, especially on fundamental
principles by people who had differing views on related matters.”

Consensus communication channel is based on mutual understanding and
respect for every member in the group. All members in the group express
their opinions and they all try to persuade others and in turn they
themselves get persuaded. Consensus is arrived at after discussion on the
matter and after carefully considering all possible solutions to solve the
matter. Once the decision is taken, and every body agrees to it, one can say
that consensus has reached. Decisions thus taken are called as decisions
taken using consensus communication channels.

The advantage of consensus communication channels is that the
organisation can build and present its imag e of unity and camaraderie. The
disadvantage is, if some members are too uncooperative and stubborn,
then arriving at a decision becomes very difficult and time consuming.

2.3.2 Informal Communication channel:
Although, formal communication channel provi des structural direction to
the communication flow of the organisation, sometimes, it falls short to
fulfil all the communication needs of the organisation. Informal
communication channels help to bridge this gap between formal
communication structure and communication needs of employees. This
informal channel exists in the organisation along with the formal
communication channels. It is an unofficial and unstructured channel. It
helps to carry messages, information, opinions, expressions, experiences
etc. Humans have a constant need to communicate with others and
employees may not always use formal channels of communication. This
need to express, communicate, talk, and wish to share one’s emotions,

Page 21

dreams, aspirations give rise to informal groups in the org anisation.
Informal communication channels basically exist due to personal and
social needs of employees. Informal groups in the organisation give rise to
informal communication which is also known as grapevine. Grapevine Communication Channel:
This is an informal communication channel of the organisation. Grapevine
is created and controlled by informal groups. It does not follow any formal
structure, rules or regulations.

Characteristics of grapevine communication channel:
● Information spread ex tremely fast and it has wide reach
● Usually wrong information, half -truths, rumors are spread through
● It exists more in the middle and the lower level of the organisation
● People believe immediately as most of the time it has personal appeal
● It doe s not follow any standard structure and spreads in a haphazard
manner in the organisation.
● People get involved in informal talk due to their personal, social and
professional needs
● Sometimes informal channel carries valid and official information

There a re many factors which cause the flourishing of grapevine
communication in the organisation like
● Low confidence: People with low confidence try to form their own
group and cling to it.
● Low efficiency: Employees with low efficiency are always in search
of employees who are inefficient like them. These employees form
their group and depend on each other for peer support in being
inefficient. These people believe more in armchair politics in the
organisation and waste their time in talking about things which w ill
satisfy them.
● Directionless: When employees lack direction and they don’t know
what to do or what to look forward to , they form groups and give rise
to informal communication.
● Psychological need: Job market is very dynamic and things working
today may become past tomorrow. This uncertainty about job security
gives rise to fear which brings employees together and they get
involved in informal, baseless communication.

Disadvantages of grapevine communication:
● Information passed through grapevine, may not be always true
● Half knowledge is dangerous, similarly, half information, half -truths,
may prove detrimental to the growth of the organisation
● Half-truth may give rise to ambiguity and speculations which will
create an impact on the morale and motivation l evel of employees.

Page 22

● Negative information, personalized account of events may pass by the
group members
● It may spoil the healthy environment of the organisation
● It may tarnish the image of an individual or an organisation
● Tracing the root of grapevine is imp ossible

Guidelines for the management to use grapevine effectively:
● Communicate with employees on a daily basis. Get the managers into
casual interaction with employees and understand their personal or
professional issues and help employees to sort them
● Create the environment of trust in the organisation so employees
won’t feel the need to take support of grapevine channel
● Hold meetings and group events frequently and ensure everybody
participates. Make the employees feel worthy
● Ensure the participation o f employees in decision making process of
the organisation, which will give them feeling of belongingness to the
● Keep all employees well informed about the present and future of
organisation, so they don’t feel the need to get involved in
unne cessary informal talk
● Identify the leaders of the informal groups and keep them well
informed so that same is passed to informal groups
● Either cut the grapevine channel with official information or use
grapevine channel itself to pass on the official infor mation

There are two main methods or forms of communication - Verbal and

2.4.1 Verbal Communication:
Verbal communication is a method which uses language to communicate.
Verbal communication includes both oral an d written communication.
Face to face communication and telephonic conversation are parts of oral
communication. Oral communication : Oral communication means communication
through spoken words. Meetings, conferences, interviews, telephonic
convers ation or informal talk are examples of oral communication. It can
be face to face or telephonic conversation. Oral communication is always
supported by non -verbal communication.

Oral communication helps in many ways. The benefits of oral
communication ar e as follows:
● It is direct and saves time.

Page 23

● It helps you to convey the exact meaning of words because of the use
of nonverbal elements like facial expressions, gestures, postures and
eye contact
● Sender gets the feedback immediately.
● Modifications while de livering message are possible
● It is more persuasive in nature as compared to written communication
● It is informal and friendlier in nature
● Telephonic conversation can be useful as legal proof

Drawbacks of Oral communication :
● Oral communication does not ha ve legal proof
● It faces the problem of retention. If the message is too long, the
receiver may not retain it
● No accountability
● Possibility of misunderstanding, when the listener is not attentive
● If the listener does not pay attention then oral communicati on is

Face to face communication is a combination of verbal as well as non -
verbal elements. This makes the communication more effective. Receiver
is able to give feedback immediately. Depending on the feedback, the
speaker can make decisions a bout the delivery of the message. The
problem with face to face communication is that it can not be practiced in
large organisations or large gatherings. It proves ineffective if the receiver
does not pay attention.

Telephonic conversation is a combinatio n of verbal as well as non -verbal
communication. Paralanguage that is the use of voice in conversation
gives nonverbal signals in our telephonic conversation. The benefit of
telephonic conversation is you can reach the receiver, even if the receiver
is not physically present. Immediate feedback is possible. The drawback
is, if the receiver’s phone is out of order, range or switched off, then you
can not reach him/her at the desired time. The other problem is, one may
not know what is the right time to call the receiver. If one calls at the
wrong time, one may not be able to communicate properly. Written Communication :
Communication which takes place using language in the written format is
called written communication. E -mails, letters, notices, age ndas, memos,
reports are all examples of written communication.

Written communication is useful because:
● It can be used as reference
● It remains as a permanent record.
● It has legal validity.
● It has a wide reach.

Page 24

● It is accurate and organised.
● It helps in memory and retention.
● It also helps in creating goodwill.

Written communication has certain disadvantages also like:
● It causes waste of time, energy.
● Receiving feedback is a slow process.
● It can create problems with storage.
● It is formal and lacks fr iendliness.

2.4.2 Non -verbal Communication :
Communication where the use of language is nil or to the minimal, is
called Non -verbal communication. The different types of non -verbal
communication are listed below: Body language :
Eye contact : Eyes are considered as windows to the soul. In the process
of communication, eye contact is the powerful and direct means of
establishing rapport with the audience. Good eye contact helps the
audience /receiver to understand the speaker’s truthfulness, intellige nce,
feelings, attitude and sincerity. It helps you to build rapport with the
receiver. When you are addressing a large gathering, do not focus only on
one person, or at the wall or roof or outside window, instead look at one
and all among the audience mem bers. If someone is trying to look away or
does not look into our eyes while communicating, we know something is
amiss. Rolling of eyes up, in the right or left direction, raising eyebrows
helps us to communicate many things nonverbally. Maintaining good eye
contact with the audience helps you to understand feedback.


Page 25

● Facial expression: The face is a mirror of all emotions. Smiling ,
frowning , raising eyebrows, tightening the lips conveys a variety of
emotions. It supports the communicated words and sometimes it
communicates without words also.

Source: -the-study -of-body -

● Gesture: An action of the hand , head or body that conveys a m essage
is called a gesture . Gestures help to convey emotions, information. It
also helps to support your speech and create your image. A nod to say
No, folded hand ‘Namaste’ to show respect, waving of hand to say bye
are all examples of gesture. An umpire on the cricket ground uses
gestures to communicate throughout the match .

Source: -the-study -of-body -

Page 26

Posture: The way we sit, stand or walk is termed as posture. Hunched
shoulders show low confidence an d low energy levels. Erect position,
straight shoulders, confident walk shows self confidence and positivity.

Source: -
docs/2 -BodyLanguage.p

2.4.2. 2 Paralanguage: The way one uses voice in co mmunication is
referred to as paralinguistic features. Volume, tone, pitch, articulation, and
pronunciation are the characteristics of the voice of the speaker. Voice
gives extra life to one’s speech and delivery. It ensures that the message
reaches the a udience with the same feeling which the sender has.

2.4.2. 3 Space: The study of space used in communication is called
Proxemics. The amount of space we keep from others while
communicating speaks a lot about our relationship with that person. There
are fo ur types of spaces we maintain:
● Intimate space: This zone is from personal touch upto one and a half
feet. Members of family, lovers, relatives and parents fall in this zone.
The best example is mother -child. Generally, no words are spoken,
even if words a re spoken, they are in the form of whisper.
● Personal: This zone stretches from one and a half feet to four feet.
One’s friends, colleagues, peers etc. come in this zone. This kind of
space gives the impression of friendliness and warmth.
● Social: This zon e is from 4 feet to 12 feet. During social events , one
generally maintains this kind of distance. Relationships are more
formal and official. This space also communicates about the social
difference in the speakers. Depending on the number of the audience
you take a call whether you would like to communicate with the
public in sitting or standing posture.
● Public: This zone stretches from 12 feet up to 30 feet. Formal events
take place in this zone. There is less attachment with the audience
because of dista nce. Microphone speakers are used to ensure that the

Page 27

speaker’s voice reaches the audience. For example, Prime Minister
giving a speech on the occasion of Independence Day. -unit-
4-non-verbal.h tml Silence: “Words are silver but silence is golden”. Silence is one of
the powerful forms of communication. Silence can be used to convey
agreement, disagreement, anger, happiness, approval, disapproval,
shyness, sympathy and respect. Silence can be positive or negative. If you
are angry or disappointed with someone, you may end up giving silent
treatment to that person. Silence can be natural (When two strangers travel
together, since they do not know each other, they don’t communicate),
awkward (empty spaces in conversation may cause discomfort to the
communicators), mindful (very positive, when people are reflecting on
their own thoughts, their inner self). Sometimes, silence communicates
more than words. Dress and Grooming : The way we dress ourselves our level of
grooming creates an impression on the people. We dress differently for
different occasions. Well combed hair, clean nails, and neatness of one’s
clothes give important clues about one’s personality. One needs to see to it
that they look presentable.

Source: -gillespie/nonverbal -

Page 28

2.4.2. 6 Visual Communication :
Colours :
What do the three colours of the traffic signals indicate? They
communicate to us to stop, go or to be r eady. Every colour communicates
certain things. White stands for peace and purity. Green for prosperity, red
for love. Colours do have psychological impact on human, Due to this
communication ability of the colours, they play a very important role in
brand ing the products.

Source: -colours -meaning/

Posters: When we walk or drive on the road , we observe many posters.
These posters advertise many things. It may be a new product, an
advertisement or government scheme. Every poster has three parts -
Headline, Illustration and Copy. The poster needs to have a catchy
headline, which will attract the reader and create an impact on him within
seconds. The illustration means the image of the product or anything about
which the poste r is. Copy means the written material on the poster. It has
to be minimum and to the point. For example, Pol io dose advertisements
for the government. -COVID -19/Wear -A-Mask -
Poster -Contest

Page 29

Auditory signs : The communicatio n which takes place using sound comes
in the category of auditory signs. Alarm clock wakes you up in the
morning, the door bell informs you about somebody’s arrival, the ring of
the mobile notifies you about the message or call, siren of the police van,
siren of fire brigade or ambulance informs you about arrival of a specific
vehicle. Our voice is also a kind of auditory sign, because each one of us
has a different voice. For some people, their voice is a trademark. For
example, Lata Mangeshkar, Amitabh B achchan, Sachin Tendulkar, Amin
Sayani etc. The horns on the road, the horn of the train at the station, the
announcements made at railway stations come in auditory signs. The
Sounds of different musical instruments are also auditory signs, for
example, T abala, Sitar, guitar etc. We understand different moods and
emotions through the sound of these instruments.

Delhi’s traffic department has installed auditory devices at 57 traffic
signals for the safety of people who are blind or have low vision
https: // -signals -get-
auditory -devices -in-delhi/

Charts, Maps and Graphs : When the sender has to share data in a
numerical form, rather than just showing numbers, the sender can use
charts and graphs. In Mathematics and Statistics, charts are used and in
computer graphs are used to make data easier to understand. Usage of
graphs and charts will make it easy for the receiver to comprehend the
data. In geography and environmental studies, map usage of maps is
mandatory. A map is a visual illustration of an area . The function of a map
is to show specific and detailed features of an area .

Page 30

Chart Maps Graphs

Check your understanding:
1. _____________ communication uses language.
2. Verbal communicat ion can be divided into ________ and ________.
3. ___________ communication does not use language.
4. Kinesics is the study of ___________.
5. __________ is the study of space.

1) Short notes:
1. Information
2. Persuasion
3. Raising Morale
4. Education and Training
5. Motivation
6. Space
7. Gestures and postures
8. Diagonal communication channel
9. Eye Contact
10. Colors as means of non -verbal communication

2) Long answer questions:
1. Explain any three non -verbal methods of communication with
examples .
2. Differentiate between oral communicat ion and written
3. Discuss the use of grapevine communication for the management.

Page 31

4. Elaborate the term Kinesics with suitable examples.
5. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of written communication.
7. Elaborate on the vertical channel of communication.
8. Explain the advantages, disadvantages of diagonal communication
along with its uses.
9. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of horizontal
communication channels .
10. Elaborate on the guidelines for management to be follo wed while
using grapevine communication.

 Raman, Meenakshi and Sangeeta Sharma. Communication Skills .
Oxford University Press, 2009.
 Dr. Muthal, Mamta, Dr. Pratima Malwadkar, Dr. Ahalya Samtaney,
Mrs. Saradha G., Mr. Prashant Shelar and M rs. Bhavana Vaidya.
Business Communication . University of Mumbai, 2009.
 Habermas, J. The Theory of Communicative Action (Vol. 1, p. 100).
MA: Beacon Press, 1984
 Jain, A.K. Professional Communication Skills . Chand Publishing,
 -communication -
importance -strategies -examples.html


Page 32

Unit Structure
3.0 Learning Objectives
3.1 Introduction to Barriers to Communication
3.2 Physical Barriers to Communication
3.3 Semantic/Language Barrier to Communication
3.4 Psychological Barriers to Communication
3.5 Socio -Cultural Barriers to Communication
3.6 Ways to overcome these Barriers
3.7 Summary
3.8 Importance of Listening Skills
3.9 Barriers to Listening
3.10 Cultivating good listen ing skills
3.11 Distinguishing between Hearing and Listening
3.12 Summary
3.13 Exercises
3.14 References

After studying this module the students will fulfil the following learning
1] To understand the process of communication and barriers arising in the
communication process
2] To be able to identify the barriers/obstacles which can hamper the
communication process
3] To be able to overcome the barriers in order to be better communicator.
4] To know the importa nce of listening in personal and professional life.
5] To be able to differentiate between various types of listening
6] To be a better listener

Pre-Testing : Answer the following questions.
A] Do you listen carefully to all the instructions? Or do you pay attention
to only the main points?
B] Do you pay attention to the content while listening on a telephone?

Page 33

C] Do you believe that language becomes a barrier while speaking with a
D] Many times our mind creates barriers. Do you agree with t his

Communication skills are essential for carrying out all activities in an
organisation. Apart from organisational communication, in personal life
also communication skills are required . But it has been observed that
many times the Communication process is not complete or the intended
goals of the Communication are not achieved. There are some kinds of
problems or obstacles which can hamper the smooth communication
process. Sometimes the messages are not delivered properly or sometimes
the receiver is not able to understand the messages as they are. In such
situations barriers arise in the communication process. A barrier can be
any factor which can interrupt the communication process.
It may also happen that the feedback sent by the receiver is not received
properly. The external factors, language and mental states of the sender
and receiver can create barriers. The social conditions or cultural
differences of the sender or receiver can cr eate barriers. So barriers can be
of various types. Let’s learn the different types of barriers.
A] Physical Barriers
B] Semantic or Language Barriers
C] Socio -Cultural Barriers
D] Psychological Barriers

Many times we observe that while travelling in train or bus we can’t hear
what the other person is speaking on the phone because of the noise of
people around us or traffic noise. In factories the heavy sounds of
machines can cause disturbances or obstacle s while speaking with each
other. The time proves to be a barrier due to different time zones. The
barriers in the environment or surrounding are called the Physical Barriers.
These barriers can disturb oral or telephonic communication. The
following are t he examples of the Physical or Environmental Barriers.

A] Noise : Noises of the traffic, machines in factories or heavy noises
caused due to taking off and landing of planes can disturb people around .
The poor acoustics or sound system can cause trouble in the meeting or
large gathering.

B] Defects in Instruments used in Telecommunication: We observe
many defects in instruments such as poor telephone con nections, dead
telephones or lack of Wi -fi connection because of technical issues,

Page 34

jamming of mobile network ,loss of Internet network due to weather or
satellite issues etc .These are the examples of physical barriers. In today’s
modern age these defe cts cause a lot of problems.

C] Time Barriers: As our earth is round and it rotates around itself ,
different time zones are observed in the world. We need to adjust with the
time zones of other people located in other countries or parts of the world
due to Time barriers. This is a purely physical barrier.

D] Weather conditions : Extreme rainfall, draughts/floods or extreme
climatic conditions can cause various physical barriers .

E] Physical Distance between the people can cause the barrier as it is n ot
easy to overcome the distances.

Check your Progress:
1. Do you ever witness the physical barrier while conversing in the train or
bus? How do you overcome this barrier?
2. The call drop or poor visibility during the Videoconferencing can be an
example of which kind of barrier?

Language is a tool of communication. We use language to express our
thoughts, feelings or emotions. But languages spoken around the world are
not the same. It may happen that the same language for example, English
language is spoken differently or it may h ave different words or
pronunciations. Due to such differences, Language barriers are observed.
Semantic means the meaning of the words.

Words used may have different shades of meaning. The word WATER has
different meanings and relations in different cult ures. Thus Semantic
barriers are a part of language barriers. Language is a means of cultural
expression. So every person may have a certain understanding about the
words or the vocabulary used. This understanding or meaning can change
from person to perso n. This can create barriers in understanding the

It is said that language changes after four miles . Geographically the
vocabulary in the language and pronunciation style change from region
to region.

Page 35

Unfamiliar languages can create barriers in the minds of the users. At the
same time limited vocabulary or knowledge o f the words can cause barrier
in the minds of the listeners

Homophones or words which have similar pronunciations but the different
spellings e.g. bear -bare, principal -principle, see –sea . These words can
create confusion while writing.

The use of jargon words or commercials can cause confusion in the minds
of the common reader. Jargons are special terms or technical words used
by professionals such as doctor s, lawyers or engineers. The use of slang
words or inappropriate words should be avoided while communicating.

Check your Progress:
1. Differentiate between these words.
Bear -bare, principal -principle, exc ept-accept, be -bee, brake -break , buy-by,
complimen t-complement, dear -deer

3.4 Psychological Barriers to Communication:
Psyche means the mind. The process of the communication begins in the
mind when the sender develops the need to communicate. After the
encoding, the message is sent to the receiver by using certain channels.
Many times barriers arise in the minds of the sender or receiver. A very
interesting fact about these barriers is that most of the time people are not
aware about the barriers. The b arriers which exist in the minds of the
sender or the receiver are called Psychological barriers. The following are
the major psychological barriers.

A) Perception[Differences in the perception] : It has been observed that
many times the same speech is he ard by many people or the same picture
is observed by many ,but different people may have different perceptions
or opinions about that. Every person is unique with different background,
experience, knowledge or viewpoint. Age and Socio -economic differences
also cause different perceptions.

B) Inappropriate emotions : Emotions are required for a healthy mind.
But excessive emotions such as too much anger can creat e hindrance or
barriers in the communication. It can lead to arguments or illogical

C) Prejudice : Many times we have certain ideas or opinions about some
people/community. This can lead to rejection of some people or ideas.
This leads to misunderstanding or developing negative opinions or
emotions before meeting someone.

Page 36

D) Closed Mind: Many times people don’t accept new ideas or new
concepts. This leads to rejecting or ignoring the information which is
contrary to one’s belief. L ack of open mindedness can stop a person from
learning new ideas.

E) Ego: This is a behavioural barrier. This prevents learning new ideas or
accepting new things. Ego baggage can create a feeling of supremacy or

F) Distortion : It has been observed that many times we accept the
message the way we want. This is ca lled Perceptual Distortion. This is a
very big barrier in the Communication which leads to going away from

G) Self Image : Every person has an image of himself/herself. This image
can be about what we think about. This image is a result of childhood
experiences and one’s experiences about life. A positive self image will
lead to acceptance of the world positively. At the same time negative self
image can lead to avoidance of the world or external factors.

H) Lack of interest : Many times the listener gets tired or uninterested in
the listening of the messages. This can lead to daydreaming.

K) Halo or Horn Effect : We tend to like or dislike some people. This
leads to either accepting everything a person does/speaks [Halo effect] or
in case of rejecting everything that person does/speaks [Horn effect] This
is also a big psychological barrier.

Check Your progress
1. Have you ever experienced th at our mind creates barriers in
understanding the messages?
2. What is your opinion about the Ego as a barrier of mind?

Apart from various barriers , there are some barriers that arise due to
differences in the culture. Culture is a way of life. Our traditions, beliefs,
religious practices, languages, clothing styles and different ways of
serving food are part of our culture. Every nation has its own cu lture.
When people belonging to different cultural backgrounds mingle with
each other, cultural barriers may arise. These barriers are perception

Page 37

barriers meaning how we judge people or evaluate them depends on our
cultural background. Due to differences i n the background sometimes
misunderstandings can be created.

Due to globalisation and growing trade/ business practises people around
the world are visiting various countries for work purposes. Various jobs
are available in Multinational Companies. When I ndians visit different
countries, they face various cultural barriers. Let’s learn what are the
major cultural barriers observed around the world.

A] Ethnocentrism and stereotyping other cultures : It is human
tendency to believe that one’s culture is supreme. Due to this we tend to
reject other cultures or values. There is a tendency to stereotype other
cultures. For example some people believe that Eastern or Indian culture is
supreme or has all the positive qualities. The same people can’t accept
good qualities in the Western cultures.

B] Contextual Differences : Social scientists believe that there are two
types of cultures, High Cultures and Low Cultures. High cultures rely on
non-verbal communication and environmental settings to express
meaning. Laws in high culture are perceived as more flexible. Low culture
relies on more written ru les, agreements or laws. It is believed that Arabs,
Chinese, Japanese, Spanish and Italian people belong to high cultur e.
Whereas British, American, French , and German belong to low culture.

C] Legal and Ethical Differences : Every society believes in certain legal
and ethical standards. But the values of honesty, value for money or
personal ethics change from culture to culture.

D] Social Differences across the cultures : The differences are observe d
with the attitude towards the hard work ,material wealth or concept of
success. Every culture or society has its own way of thinking.

E] Mannerisms and Etiquettes : The differences are observed in
mannerisms and rules of behaviour. In Western countries people maintain
a distance between their personal space and professional life. The
questions relating to marital status, sexual choices or no of children are not
asked .Politeness is expected from the other person. But in Indian culture,
enough attention is not given to maintaining privacy or individual
freedom. The methods of serving food across the world are not similar.
The dining etiquettes or manners regarding trea ting women or women
employees are not the same. The dress sense or concepts of formal or
informal dresses change from culture to culture.

F] The concept of Time : Punctuality and respecting other’s time is
observed in western countries. In India mostly the trend is against

Page 38

G] Openness and Inclusiveness : Some cultures are open to new thoughts
or ideas. The attitude towards the other cultures in terms to racial identity,
religious practises, colours, sexual choices etc is essential. Some cultures
are rigid in such terms.

H] Non-Verbal Differences : Body language or non -verbal gestures
indicate our feelings. But all cultures do not show uniform body language.
The Indian greetings or Namaste differ from the Japanese metho d of
bowing down. The differences are observed in shake hand methods, facial
expressions, eye contacts, touch, posture etc. Even people don’t follow
the uniform distance. Indians or Arabs don’t mind hugging or coming
close at the workplace. Most Europeans or Americans believe in privacy
or maintaining distances.

I] Age and Gender Differences : Age wise differences and respect for the
age differ from culture to culture.

J] Religious Difference : Around the world various religious practices are
observed. The pattern

Check your progress
1. What do the following colours represent Black, White and Red? What
are the feelings associated w
2. Body language rules change from culture to culture. Have you ever
witnessed variety in the body language aspects of the people belonging
to various regions?

A] Physical Barriers: It is easy to overcome physical barriers by
improving the gadgets or instruments we are using. The noise barriers in
the factories can be overcome by building the silencers. The Time barriers
can be overcome adjusting with the time zone of other countries. The
modern methods of communication of video conferencing and audio
conferencing can be used for overcoming distance barriers.

B] Semantic/Language Barriers: Language barriers can be overcome by
conscious efforts. The differences between the vocabulary or spellings
should be studied. The grammar should be studied well. It is essential to
learn a new language or to learn new words regularly. We should avoid
jargon words while speaking with common people. The use of simple and
clear words can lead to avoi ding language barriers.

Page 39

C] Psychological Barriers: It is difficult to overcome the Psychological
barriers as people don’t accept new ideas or opinions easily. Many times it
is observed that people are not aware that the problem lies in the minds of
both the sender or the receiver. So we have to be aware of the barriers to
overcome in order to become better listeners. More empathic and open
attitude towards others can create understanding about each other. Good
listening skills are essential for overcomin g these barriers.

D] Socio -Cultural Barriers: Cross cultural barriers can be overcome by
developing open attitude about other person’s culture .It is essential to
respect the others culture. Proper training or attitudinal change is required
to develop s uch tendency. Empathy should be built up for understanding
others culture.

The communication process is very complex. While communicating some
types of barriers or obstacles are inevitable. There are various types of
barriers. The noise or disturbances in the surrounding can lead to
confusion or misunderstanding of the messages a re called Physical
barriers. The language barriers or differences in the words can create
confusion. The psychological barriers are created in the minds of the
communicators. The differences in the culture can lead to the cultural
barriers. It is essential to overcome these barriers in order to be better
communicator. Conscious efforts are required to overcome the barriers.
For each type of barrier, a separate strategy is required to overcome it.

Case Study:
1. Read the following paragraph and understand t he barrier in the
following situation.
Suresh was very hardworking person. He has completed a diploma in
Mechanical Engineering from a reputed college located in rural part of
Maharashtra. He has secured good marks in the final year. He has sound
subject k nowledge. He has also good experience of internship in a
company. But whenever he appears for interview, he gets nervous. He is
not confident about his language abilities and English Communication
Skills. Though, he possesses good knowledge of his field, h e is not
confident about himself. This affects his performance in the interview.

1.Which kind of barrier is observed here?
2.What should Suresh do to overcome this problem?

Pre-testing: Answer the following questions
1] What do you think about listening is a passive or active skill?
2] How often do you get distracted towards the dress or body language
of the speaker?

Page 40

3] How do you express your sympathy when your friend tells you his/her
4] Do you agree with a statement ‘Successful people are good

Listening plays a very important role in our personal and professional life.
We learn language by listening. Speaking and listening are associated to
each other. Second languag e learning is possible only after listening to the
language carefully. But listening skills are not given much importance. We
tend to ignore listening because it is considered as a passive skill.

Effective listening skills develop good relationship with o ur closed people
and friends. Good listeners get many friends or people get attached with
listeners. A good listener’s personality becomes more appealing and
manners become friendly. So, S/he gets more acceptance in society.

For a successful organisation, good listening skills are essential for all the
employees. Employees need to be alert and attentive to the requirements
of the customers and clients. It has been observed that an employee spends
9% time in writing, 16% in reading, 30% time in speaking and 45% time
in listening. If an employee learns to understand the real message or
hidden message behind all messages, then S/he can do better business.
Even for a manager, good listening skills are required. A manager spends
majority of his time in Communication. The major part of this
communication is involved in listening to the affairs/complaints/feedback
of the staff and custo mers. If a manager can listen every conversation with
proper attention and empathy then he can understand the situations in
better manner. Every external and internal communication activity in the
organisation begins with good listening.

Page 41

As listening is physiological and psychological activity, the barriers in the
surroundings and in the minds of the communicators can become barriers
to listening. The following major barriers are observed while listening :

A] Distractions: The listeners get various distractions while listening.
These can be about the language used or the meaning of the words used.
Sometimes the loud noise of the microphone or commotion of the people
around can cause distractions. Sometimes the listener is n ot in good mood
or disturbed. Daydreaming is also caused due to distractions.

B] Marginal Listening: The listener only pays attention to the
information S/he wants. In this process some other contents are ignored.

C] Pretended listening : The listener pretends that S/he is listening to the
speaker, by responding to the speaker through eye contact or nodding. In
reality it is not so.

D] Prejudice about the speaker. Sometimes listener may not like the
speaker. The hatred or jealousy about the speaker can create barriers in the
minds of the listener.

E] Dislike about the speaker also can lead to ignoring the contents.

F] Physical barrier s or noise barriers can harm listening.

G] The thinking and speaking rate : It is observed that the speaking rate
is 125 -150 words, but the thinking rate is 400 words. The listener grasps
the message very fast than spoken words. This creates gap and this can
lead to day -dreaming.

It is essential to cultivate or develop good listening Skills. Good listening
skills are developed after lot of practice and with conscious efforts. We
need to understand the importance of listening with patience. This requires
training our minds. We need to pay attention to what the other person is
speaking. There is a need to identify the barriers in the listening and we
should be able to overcome these barriers. Many times, we listen i n hurry
or jump to conclusion. Instead of that, we should be able to understand the
intention of the speaker and then give response. We should avoid marginal
listening style. It is essential to remember that a good listener can become
a good communicator. Interrupting in between the talk of other people
should be avoided. We should be able to listen objectively and not with
emotional set up.

Page 42

It is important to understand that listening and hearing is not the same. We
use both words in the same manner. Hearing is a physiological activity
where the sounds fall[impinge] on the listeners’ ear. Our brain receives
messages from the nerves located i n the ear and we can feel the sounds.
This is called ‘Hearing’.

We hear many sounds but we pay attention to only limited or selected
sounds and react. This is called ‘Listening’. Listening involves hearing
and paying attention to whatever is said. This is physiological and
psychological activity. Listening is a process which involves certain steps
which are as followed.


1. Receiving : A listener hears sounds or receives the message. This is
called physical reception.
2. Interpretation: After receiving the message the listener tries to
understand it by using his/her knowledge or understanding about the
life. This understanding is based on his value system, beliefs, ideas and
personal background. This interpretation is also called decoding or
3. Remembering: Every message is stored in brain for future. Only after
remembering the message, the conversation can go ahead.
4. Evaluating : The listener evaluates or judges every message by
separating facts from the opinio ns. This is also done unconsciously.
5. Responding: Then the listener reacts to the message by words, actions,
body language or even by silence.

All these steps are necessary for good listening. If any one step is missing
or gets wrong then the listening bec omes less effective.

Page 43

To know more about the types of listening : Though we try to listen to
every message, we follow various styles for listening different messages.
The way we listen to our favourite music will be different than we listen to
serious talk . The method of listening to lectures will also be different. So,
let’s understand the different types or styles of listening :

1. Content Listening or Informative listening : When the listener is
paying attention to the speakers’ content or the information which is
expected to receive, this is called Content listening. Here the attention is
not given to the speakers’ style or manner. The focus is only on getting

2. Critical listening : When the listener listens critically to the speaker’s
message and evaluates content, logic of the message, the strengths and
weaknesses of the message and the validity of the thought, the Critical
style of listening is used.

3. Empathic listening: In this situation the listener listens to the speakers’
message by understanding the speaker’s message with empathy. Empathy
means to understand the other person’s problem or situation from his or
her point of view. Here the listener al lows the speaker to express his
opinions or messages without giving any opinion unless asked. Empathic
listening is very therapeutic.

4. Active listening : In this style the listener is engaged in understanding
the message as it is said or given. The liste ner keeps away all the biases or
prejudices while listening and pays attention to only the message which is
being conveyed. Active listening is followed during very important
meetings and discussions.

5. Appreciative listening : When the listener is appreciating the music or
his/her favourite speaker’s speech, that time attention is given to the
beauty of the music or the content of the message.

6. Marginal Listening In this style the listener only pays attention to the
infor mation he/she wants.

We use all these styles of listening alternatively as per the situation.

Listening is an important activity which is ignored by most of the people.
Listening includes hearing the sounds in the surroundings and
understanding the context. Listening is a very essential skill for developing
personal relations as well as for profess ional success. Different styles of
listening are observed in our day -to-day life. Informational listening,
marginal listening, critical listening appreciative listening, empathic
listening and active listening are major styles of listening. There can be
various barriers to listening. It is essential to overcome these barriers while

Page 44

communicating because good listener can become a good communicator.
Listening skills can be enhanced by training and practice.

Case Study:
Geeta was very enthusiastic employe e working in a Public Relations
Department with an MNC. She used to plan and implement various ideas.
But when she used to speak with her employees, she used to talk
continuously. She hardly used to wait and listen to the feedback or
responses of other peo ple. Her colleagues and subordinates used to get
tired while listening to Geeta’s continuous chatter. This leads to
developing negative opinion about her.

1. What is the major problem in the above situation?
2. What can be done to change the situation?

Q.1 Fill in the blanks
I] Not being able to accept new ideas or opinions different from one’s
own is called ________.
A] Prejudice
B] Slanting
C] Closed Mind

II] Religious differences can be part of __________ Barriers.
A] Psychological
B] Physical
C] Language

III] Words having same pronunciation but different meanings are
known as _____________.
A] Nouns
B] Adjectives
C] Homophones

IV] Psyche means _________.
A] Body
B] Soul
C] Mind

Page 45

V] Defects in the Telephone or Mobil e Network failure are examples
of __________ Barriers.
A] Psychological
B] Physical
C] Language

Q.2 Explain the following concepts in 2/3 sentences.
I] Perception
II] Day Dreaming
III] Noise Barriers
IV] Jargons
V] Self Image
VI] Slanting

Q.3 Write short notes on the following.
I] Language barriers created due to Homophones
II] Ways to overcome Physical Barriers
III] Ways to overcome Language Barriers
IV] Ways to overcome Psychological Barriers
V] Ways to overcome Socio -Cultural Barriers

Q.4. Descriptive Questions
A] What are the major physical barriers we face while communicating?
B] Perception is a major barrier many people face. Explain.
C] How does a language becomes a barrier? Explain with examples.
D] What are the major cultural barri ers we face? Give examples .
E] Explain Psychological barriers to communication in detail.

Q.1.Fill in the blanks.
I] When the listener listens from the point of view of the speaker, it is
called ______________ listening .
A] Content
B] Empathic
C] Marginal

II] Hearing is ___________ process and listening is ___________
A] Psychological
B] Physiological
C] Social
D] Emotional

Page 46

III] When we are listening to our favourite music, we are following
_______ type of listening.
A] Marginal
B] Informational
C] Appreciative

IV] The average speed of speaking per minute is _____ words, where
as thinking rate per minute is ______ words.
A] 180/450
B] 300/500
C] 125/400

V] When the listener listens to only selected information. it is called
____________ listening.
A] Informational
B] Marginal
C] Empathic

Q.2 Explain the following concepts in 2/3 sentences.
I] Informative Listening
II] Decoding
III] Hearing
IV] Appreciative listening
V] Prejudice
VI] Day -dreaming
VII] Active Listening

Q.3 Write short notes on the following topics
I] Importance of listening in personal and professional life
II] Process of listening
III] Distractions in listening
IV] Difference between hearing and listening
V] Importance of Active listening

Q 4. Descriptive Questions
1] Explain the different styles of listening. Why listening is an important
2] Explain the listening process and how to develop good listening
3] Explain the types of listening and how to become a good listener.

Page 47

4] Write a detailed note on importance of listening in our personal and
professional life and what are major distractions or barriers we face in
the listening process.

 Muthal M., 2009 Business Communication , University of Mumbai
 Mukerjee H.2013 Business Communication: connecting at work ,
Oxford Publication
 Ober.S.2004, Contemporary Business Communication , Biztantra
 Bovee C, Thill J. And Chatterjee A. 2011 Business Communication
Today [10th edition] Pearson
 Kaul A.2007 Business Communication, Prentice Hall of India Private
 Sethi Deepa, [ 2021] Impactful Communication: Communicate to
conquer, SAGE Publications India Pvt ltd.


Page 48


Unit Structure
4.0 Objectives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Features of Business Ethics
4.3 Importance of Business Ethics
4.4 Personal Integrity at Workplace
4.5 Business Ethics and Media
4.6 Computer Ethics
4.7 Corporate Social Responsibility
4.8 Conclusion
4.9 Exercises
4.10 References

1. The learner will be able to understand various kinds of business ethics
2. The learner will be able to identify different types of business ethics
and how to implement them in business as well as profession
3 The learner will be able to distinguish between good ethics and bad
practices .

The word Ethic originated from the Greek word ‘Ethos’ meaning character
or science of an ideal h uman behavior.

“A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business ”-----
Henry Ford

“There’s no way to succeed in business without the highest ethical
standards. ” ----- Jordan Belfort

Ethics is a set of moral principles which guides the code of conduct and
behavior of individuals as well as society. In today’s time , business has
become an important and integral part of our human society. Since
humans have started trading we have become more civilized. Every
business involves human activi ty in one way or the other. Studying

Page 49

Business Ethics becomes much more important as it deals with moral
principles that guide the way a business should behave.

Acting in an ethical way involves distinguishing between “right” and
“wrong.” Ethics is primari ly concerned with the rules of business conduct.

To understand this let us understand first the definition of Ethics:
According to John Donaldson: Business Ethics is a systematic study of
moral matters or practices and beliefs pertaining to business, ind ustry,
institution or related activities.

Christina Gruble: Ethics is a set of corporate values and codes of
principles…written or unwritten, by which a company evaluates its actions
and business related decisions… applies to employees and managers as
well as the company as a whole.

Ethics and Morality are closel y linked. Ethics is related to values, a sense
of right or wrong. Values are fundamental beliefs and form the base of a
human conduct. Business ethics is part of the philosophy of
business/organization/company. Ethics deal with moral guidelines which
gover n good behavior. The profit that any business house makes should
not only be concerned with a high level of economic performance but also
about conducting business ethically.

1. Code of Conduct: It helps to understand how a company can work in
an ethical manner to achieve a high level of performance, thus helping in
providing a good impression in the society. A company can create a better
way to deal with its customers and in return think of the welfare of the

2. Moral and Social Values: This is important from a company’s point of
view. The company should have a policy of self -control : not putting
pressure on a customer for their products or services ; consumer protection ;
fair treatmen t to everyone internally as well as externally ; no exploitation
of anyone related to the company etc. The company can also be a part of
this for society at large.

3. Protection to social groups: The company/organization should work
for different groups re lated to them directly or indirectly. The se groups
include consumers, employees, businessmen, government, stakeholders,
creditors etc. Since the welfare of these groups will lead to the welfare of
organization , it is essential to protect these groups from being harmed by
the company or any other element related to the company.

Page 50

4. Basic Framework: Giving the right or just values to the society will
give social, economic, legal and other important aspects in business to the
society thus, bring back eth ical and moral values in the society. This
improves the overall functioning of the society.

5. Education and guidance: A proper orientation and guidance must be
given to new businessmen or new entries about business ethics. Here the
role of trade associat ion plays an important role. These associations should
give some basic training and understanding of the trade. This will help
each and every trader to work in line with the ethical standards put forth
by their associations.

Ethics plays a key role in running a business. Some of the important
aspects of Ethics are as follows:
1. Long -term growth: Sustainability of any business comes from a vision
from a long -term perspective. If the company has a lon g-term vision in
which it takes care of all its stakeholders the company is sure to have
achieved its target.
2. Creates Loyalty: If the customer knows that the company works on set
values and principles and not only to earn maximum profit , the
customer will always be loyal to that company/organization.
3. Creates goodwill: Good ethical values and behavior of a company can
create goodwill among its customers. If the general public becomes
aware that the company follows honesty, integrity, high valu es, a lot of
goodwill is generated.
4. Efficient utilization of Business resources: If the management and
senior executives follow ethical standards , this will help the juniors to
emulate their actions. The employees will refrain from using office
property o r resources for their personal benefits. Ethical practices like
not bribing, cheating suppliers and customers will help to earn a good
name for the company.
5. Raises Standards: If ethics and values of the company is followed by
all the employees of it, this will automatically raise standards of that
company. People will understand that there is absence of corrupt
practices and negligence in that company and people will trust such
6. Increase productivity: Having a high ethical standard of a company
the employees of such a company will naturally build a good reputation
about the company. This will help in building a high morale among its
employees which will lead to job satisfaction and better production.
7. Success and development: High ethical standards and values will lead
to a series of success. A hardworking person with good ethical practices

Page 51

will definitely succeed in his efforts thus resulting in getting good
results for the company.

The new economy has brought new changes like greater transparency and
flexibility but at the same time greater complexity and hence greater risks.
Due to globalization, changes in technology, war for talented people has
made things become more complex and require greater eff orts to stick to
the standards. To understand this let us try and understand some important
aspects in a business environment.

Integrity means the quality of being good. According to John Maxwell,
“Integrity results from self -discipline, inner trust and a decision to be
relentlessly honest in all situations.” It is , therefore , required that each
person working in an organization has to show integrity ensuring that the
company runs smoothly and earns profit in a corre ct way. This can be
achieved in the following manner:
1. Practice honesty at all levels…whether the person is in the high, low or
middle level.
2. Increase dependability at work place by completing the work assigned
in an honest way.
3. Insist on Accountability . Taking the ownership of responsibility and
carrying it out with utmost care is the need of the hour.
4. Do not hurt other people's sentiments.
5. See that the h igher officials set a role model for people by working
honestly and in a justified manner.

Business houses have to deal with media in a number of ways. Media
plays an important role in making or breaking the image of a company. It
is one of the powerful tools that can be used to bring transparency in the
working of or ganizations. It is necessary for the media to update the public
with the right kind of information and not turn facts under any
circumstances. To achieve this:
1. Media should be made sensible as one knows news can be manipulated
by anyone who knows the full facts about a particular issue.
2. There could be different versions of truth i.e. truth Vs diplomacy.
Media should find out the best interest for everyone involved in it.
3. Media should avoid gossip, and respect Privacy.
4. Media should know its limits.
5. How to deal with sensitive, controversial information should be done
by an experienced person.

Page 52

6. Social media platforms where a person’s private and public deals are
available, the media should know its boundaries. It should not cross the
limit without the permission of that individual.

In today’s technological world compute rs play a very important role .
Computer and internet misuse has gained momentum. It has , therefore ,
become imperative to define a code of conduct to protect individuals from
being harmed. Some of these rules are as follows:
1. One should not use computers to harm other people's information by
accessing and destroying their files of information.
2. Creating or spreading computer viruses.
3. Using Pirated software and not using the original programme.
4. Developing software for stealing data of other people.
5. Claiming own ership on a work which is the output of someone’s

CSR refers to business practices involving initiatives that benefit the
society. This responsibility is rooted deep down in the belief that business
houses have an obligation to care for the surroundings in which they are
operating. There are many ways or categories that business houses are
operating with.
1. Initiative for Environment: Many businesses small or large have a
carbon footprint. To reduce it , these organizations can work in a way
to protect the environment and thus save the planet and the society in
which they are operating.
2. Philanthropy: Organizations also try to achieve CSR by way of
donating money to local and national charities. For example, Floods,
Fire, medical expenses.
3. Ethical labor practices: Some organizations, especially businesses
that have and operate at an international level treat their workforce
fairly and ethically. They pay their laborers proper wages as per the
standards in which they operate.
4. Volunteering for a noble cause: By donating and helping people
without expecting anything in return, companies are able t o express
their contribution and concern for specific issues thus supporting the
society at large in which they are operating.

After all these discussions , it can be clearly seen that Ethics play a very
important role in a Business Organization. Practicing ethics helps

Page 53

businessmen not only to earn profit, but also to win over trust, respect and
loyalty from its customers. It creates a bond between the organi zation and
its public.

1. Discuss the importance of Business Ethics.
2. What is meant by Corporate Social Responsibility?
3. Write a short note on Ethics and Media.
4. Discuss Computer Ethics.
5. Write a short note on Personal Integrity at Workplace.

 Business Communication, Tech -Max Publications, Pune.
 Business Communication, Himalaya Publishing House.
 Business Communication, Sheth Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
 Business Communication, Manan Prakashan.
 Business Communication, Vipul Prakashan.


Page 54


Unit Structure
5.0 Objectives
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Speed and Efficiency
5.1.2 Lack of Relationship Building
5.1.3 Communication Log
5.1.4 Informal Communication
5.2.1 Advantages of Internet
5.2.2 Disadvantages of Internet
5.3.1 Email Etiquette
5.3.2 Advantages of Emails
5.3.3 Disadvantages of Emails
5.4.1 Advantages of Blogs
5.4.2 Disadvantages of Blogs
5.5.1 Advantages of MOODLE
5.5.2 Disadvantages of MOODLE
5.6.1 Advantages of Social Networking Sites
5.6.2 Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites
5.6.3 FACEBOOK Advantages of Facebook Disadvantages of Facebook
5.6.4 TWITTER Advantages of Twitter Disadvantages of Twitter
5.6.5 WHATSAPP Advantages of WhatsApp Disadvantages of WhatsApp
5.7 Exercise s
5.8 References

Page 55

1. To int roduce the use of technology in the world of communication.
2. To inform and help students to communicate and do collaborative
3. To help students make informed choices about digital tools and
4. To bring awareness about ethical behavior and legal implications
while using technology.

Sub Topics:
Types of Technology enabled Communication: Internet, Blogs, Email,
Moodle, Social Media – Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp – Advantages
and Disadvantages.

Communication is a very important aspect in the growth o f human society
and culture. It involves exchange of ideas, facts, opinions or emotions by
two or more persons. Technology has made communicating between one
another significantl y easier. Newer developments in technology have
introduced faster and better means and techniques of communication over
time. Invention of the internet has revolutionised communication and a
wide array of internet -based devices has made global communicatio n
faster and cheaper. Some of the forms of internet -based communication
are data transport, video conferencing, email, web browsing, etc. This
technology enabled means of communication are widely used in the
business world today. But even so, it is necessa ry to understand and
evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of a system before adopting it
entirely. Let us look at the positive and negative effects of using
technology for communication in a business setup.

5.1.1 Speed and Efficiency:
Today technol ogy makes it easy to source information and to keep it
handy for use. The ability to reach the customers, vendors and co -workers
quickly enhances the efficiency of any business. Mobile technology in
terms of cellular phones or laptops has made it easy to a ccess data and
reach out to associates involved. For example, the concept of ‘Work from
Home’ has been successfully implemented and is being practiced widely
world over because of advancements in technology. It has created a
mobile workforce that is cost e ffective as well as more productive and
happier as they have the flexibility of location and time. Technology
makes it possible for them to have the same ease of access of official
material and documents as an in -office employee.

Page 56

5.1.2 Lack of Relation ship Building:
Technology has drastically brought down the amount of physical face -to-
face interaction that people used to have. People find it much easier to
send a short text message rather than speak to the face or on the phone.
This saves on time and effort. But, although efficient, it negates inter -
personal relationships which are necessary in any business. Inter -personal
relationships are important because it helps to know the customer better
and interacting with them opens out new avenues and opport unities to
serve them, that help in business expansion.

5.1.3 Communication Log :
Technology has made logging communications much easier. Tracking of
emails is easily done to check on previously discussed matter. It is
possible to record phone conversati ons and store them through customer
retention management software. Not only does this help in maintaining
records, it is also a form of legal record.

5.1.4 Informal Communication :
While it is easy to drop an email for business purposes, if not done right it
can have adverse effects. A lot of people are still used to the formality of a
business letter. This, sometimes, does not get reflected in emails which
seem far more casual to th e customer, maybe owing to its structure or the
language used. This can become a problem if the customer feels the
informality reflects upon the capability of the company.

When we talk of technology enabled communication, we need to
understand that we ha ve been using technology in the workspace for a few
years now. Whether it was the phone, the typewriter, computer, printer,
etc, technology has slowly entered our lives and we have used it to make
life easier for us. But with the invention of the Internet, there has been a
revolution and technology has invaded our lives changing the way we
communicate entirely. Let us now look at the various ways in which the
internet has influenced and affected communication.

Dictionary definition of Internet says it is a vast network that connects
computers all over the world. This network provides an access to any
information or person anywhere in the world, provided they are registered
on this network somewhere. Internet was originally conceived and built by
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) of the US Government, as a
network for sharing of research data between universities. The potential of
ARPANet as it was then called, was realised quickly and it took over the
world of communication and revolutionised everything that went with it.
This global network is made up of physical cables which include
telephone wires, TV cables and fiber optic cables upon which all our
wireless connections like WiFi, 4G, 5G depend. Once a computer is
connected to this web of network it becomes online. The World Wide Web
(www) or the Web as it is commonly called, is a collection of different

Page 57

websites that can be accessed via the internet. A website is a platform
maintained by individuals or organisations on which text, images and
resource materials are made available for browsing through. Internet gives
us access to these websites through a web browser which shows us
websites stored on the internet. When we visit a website the computer
sends a request through the wires to the server where it is stored, collects
the relevant information and carries it back in a matter of seconds. This
technology has not only revolutionised the way we communicate but also
the way we shop, pay our bills, manage o ur bank accounts, meet new
people, learn new skills or even watch television.

5.2.1 Advantages of Internet :
1. It is the greatest database ever formed for any form of information one
2. It provides a platform for E -Commerce, thus ensuring empl oyment
opportunities for millions.
3. It is a boon for the physically challenged as it allows for easy access
of facilities.
4. It is a great place for forming interest -based communities where
people from different parts of the world who share the same interest
can get together and discuss common issues.
5. It provides a platform for chatting online which helps meet new
people and maintain old ties, some which are revived after many years
with the help of internet.
6. It forms the base for downloadi ng different software and apps that
help make our life easier.

5.2.2 Disadvantages of Internet :
1. Since a lot of our personal information is saved on the internet in
some form, it renders us vulnerable to data hacking. Once the data
gets corrupted or is stolen one can fall prey to bank thefts as well as
2. The constant accessibility and availability have blurred the line
between personal time and working hours thus causing stress to many.
3. Free access to the Internet without any controlling parameters has
been reported as a cause for pornography as well as internet addiction
amongst children as well as adults.
4. Mindless forwarding of mails and blindly marking copies in group
mails leads to spamming.
5. The wide array of information and the network of online friends leads
to spending a lot of time on the internet. In the process, m any lose out
on the social support in the immediate physical space, leading to

Internet provides a number of platforms for communication in the new
age. Some of the most commonly used ones are Emails for sending mails,

Page 58

Blogs for expressing op inions, Moodle as an online learning tool, social
networking sites like Facebook and Twitter for keeping in touch with
friends, and messaging apps like WhatsApp for communicating
individually as well as in groups. We shall look at each of these online
mode s of communication for their usage as well as the advantages and
disadvantages they offer.

Email - short for saying electronic mail, is the most commonly used tool
of communication in a business setup. As the name suggests, it is letters
sent through a digital platform. The users have their own unique ids or
addresses created on messenger platforms like Gmail, Yahoo, Rediff etc.
Internet also provides Organisations the platform to create their own office
domain or Intranet which is used for communication by the employees
within the office. For security reasons, this platform is not available to
them outside the office network though. Emails are delivered instantly
thus increasing the speed of communication manyfold. Having a wide
network and user base, emails are the best means of communication for
business organisations to keep in touch with their customers, vendors and
all their stake holders. Since emails are the most prolific tool of
communication today, it is important to understand the p roper use of this
tool. There is a protocol to be followed in the use of emails.

5.3.1 Email Etiquette:
1. Formal Language: When using emails for all official purposes one has
to maintain a formal tone and language. All mail are documented
proofs and hence care must be taken while framing the message and
excited exclamations are to be avoided.
2. Professional email address: Generally, most organisations allot email
addresses to all their employees on their organisational domain. Despite
that, for non -office related business communication, it is advisable to
create and maintain a personal email account that shows your name and
identity to the recipient.
3. Use of Subject line: Always use the Subject line to clearly state the
topic of the message. It becomes easier for you as well as the recipient
to identify and log it in terms of preference or importance.
4. Formal salutation : While one does not expect nor ask for a Respected
Sir/Madam in todays day, a ‘Hi’ or ‘Yo’ or ‘Hey’ doesn’t hold in good
stead either. One can use a Dear Sir/Madam or a Hello with direct
address of the name like Hello Mr Kapoor/Ms Sharma.
5. Avoid humour : One should always be aware about the difference
between oral and written communication and thus avoid humour in
emails. First and foremost, it could be misunderstood without the
backing of intonation and gestures. Secondly, the recipient might not
share or understand your point of view. And thirdly, emails are a

Page 59

written record of communication, so it can be held as proof in a
misunderstood circumstance.
6. Check the recipient: One should always make a habit of double
checking the recipient before sending the mail, especially if it is a
response to a group mail. One needs to be sure then about sending the
response to the sender only or to everyone in the group.
7. Always respon d to mails : Email etiquette demands that mails be
responded to at least within the first 24 hours. One should respect the
sender’s time and effort and respond even if it is to acknowledge
receipt and inform the sender that you will respond in detail later.
8. Proofread before sending the mail: Always make it a habit to read
your mail at least a couple of times before sending it, to avoid spelling
and grammatical errors and to ensure there won’t be misunderstanding.

5.3.2 Advantages of Emails :
1. Emails are the most convenient form of written communication today.
2. They provide an ease of access to anyone within the company or
anywhere in the world.
3. The speed of accessibility is unmatched by any other form of
4. It allows for respon ses to be equally quick.
5. It allows for the ease of sending the mail to many recipients at once.
6. It allows documents and files to be sent as attachments.
7. It saves on paper and printing costs.
8. It can be used for marketing purposes by compa nies in the form of
graphically enhanced emails, thus saving on printing and mailing cost.
9. Mails are now allowed by courts as documentary evidence and legal
proof of transactions and contracts.

5.3.3 Disadvantages of Emails :
1. Emails pose as potent ial security threats as miscreants send viruses and
hack into accounts and systems through emails.
2. Mindless bulk marketing and forwarding of junk mails leads to littering
the inbox with Spam mails.
3. If not worded well, emails can lead to misunders tandings.
4. There is always a possibility of wastage of time if employees access
personal emails to get their work done.
5. Due to ease of forwarding matter, confidential information or material
could land up in the wrong hands.

5.4 BLOGS Blog is the truncated version for the term Web log. Since a log means
keeping an account or a record of something, a web log would mean an

Page 60

account or a record of something kept on the Web. This account is
normally informational and is written in an informa l manner, more like a
Diary piece. A website that consists of such discreet, informational matter
is thus known as a blog. It is like an online journal where people share
their ideas, experiences, or opinions with anyone in the world who cares to
read it. They normally follow the reverse chronological order wherein the
latest blog will be found at the top followed by the one before and so forth.
Since a blog is open to readership the world over, it becomes a platform
for people to interact, agree, disagree, etc and get to know one another
forming communities of like -minded individuals.

Depending upon who maintains it, there are four different types of blogs.

1. Personal blog: it is written and maintained by a single person. It takes
the form of a continu ous account or commentary of an individual with
space for interacting with others in the comments section provided. While
the others have can comment, only the owner of the blog has access to
publish a new blog entry.

2. Collaborative blog: This form of a blog is maintained by a group of
people. More than one person has an access to publish on such a blog. It
normally has a thought or a theme that runs common upon which the blogs
are based.

3. Organisational blog: These are blogs maintained by Organisat ions so
as to keep the customer and the public informed about the latest goings -on
in the company. The content of such blogs is designed such that it answers
the prospective customers’ questions and lets them know about the
company’s products and services.

4. Microblogging: These are mini blogs where only a specified amount of
content can be posted on the site. This content can be in the form of text,
pictures, videos, links or any other form of media. The restriction on the
size of content ensures qualit y material and lack of repetition or rambling.

5.4.1 Advantages of Blogs:
1. Before starting a new business, blogs help to get a feel of the market
and get the pulse of the prospective customer base. This helps to plan
the business strategy better.
2. A constantly updated blog, especially business/corporate blogs help to
keep the customers and other stake holders informed. This wins the
trust of the customer ensuring customer loyalty and over a period of
time an increased customer base too.
3. The c onstant need to write and publish hones the writing skill and
makes the owner of the blog a better writer.
4. Depending upon the quality of published content and the reader
response, a blogger can become a published author.

Page 61

5. The space for comments provides instant feedback.

5.4.2 Disadvantages of Blogs :
1. Since a blog is open for the world to read, the information has to be
extremely accurate to avoid conflicts and even legal battles involving
Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). To avoid this the blogger needs to
do a lot of research and learn to acknowledge the sources. This can be
extremely time consuming.
2. Every writer suffers through a writer’s block at least some time in
his/her writing career. A blogger is no diff erent. So also, he/she needs
to be prolific. The constant struggle for the need to find a topic to write
upon frequently proves to be a disadvantage.
3. The blogger is also always in a struggle to maintain his readership. If
the readership is low, no matt er how good a writer he/she may be, it
curtails the chances of getting advertisers to the blog, as also the
chances of becoming a published author.
4. Lastly, as is the case with most internet -based communication, there is
barely any conflict resolution. Sometimes misunderstandings or
disagreements occur owing to the comments section. It is essential then
that the blogger keeps a cool head and deals with the issue amicably.

MOODLE is an acronym used for Modular Object -Oriented Dynamic
Learni ng Environment. It is a Learning Management System (LMS) that
provides a platform for e -learning or learning online. It is a software that
needs to be downloaded and installed onto a computer. It provides a
common platform for learners, educators and admin istrators to form a
system for personalised learning environments. Being an online platform,
it offers a wide reach and ease of accessibility that is devoid of time
constraints. Moodle has a system that helps educators to design course
structures and curri culum for the courses that they conceptualise. Once a
course is created it also helps the educator to interact with the students,
create forums to facilitate discussions among them, create assignments and
tests, grade the student responses and maintain rec ords just as is done in a
physical classroom without having to meet physically even once. One can
share content from the computer with the participants, collect data, attach
files to forum posts, link external resource material, etc.

5.5.1 Advantages of MOODLE :
1. In a classroom, Moodle can be used as an organisational tool by the
2. It transcends the restrictions of space and time, so anyone the world
over can learn at their own convenience.
3. The ease of access allows for all forms of learning content to be shared,
uploaded or linked.

Page 62

4. It provides a forum for students to discuss learning related issues or
5. It provides a base for personalised interaction between the learner and

5.5.2 Disadvantages of MOODLE :
1. Being an online platform, it does not provide the comfort of face -to-
face learning.
2. Without internet connectivity, use of Moodle is not possible.
3. Educators as well as learners who are not Tech Savvy might find it
difficult to use the tool.
4. Some of the adult learners might put up resistance in using technology
for learning.

Social Networking Site, or SNS as it is called, are online platforms that
allow people to in teract with other like -minded individuals and form
interest -based communities. It is a platform where people form social
networks and relationships with those around the world based on similar
backgrounds, interests, career content, lifestyles, beliefs or even real life
connections. SNS uses internet based social media platforms where one
needs to create their individual public profile to enable them to interact
with others. These SNSs vary in form and format as also in the number of
features they provide. Accordingly, they can either be websites or Phone
Applications with the common purpose of connecting people globally.
Some of the popular SNSs are Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn,
WhatsApp, etc.

5.6.1 Advantages of Social Networking Sites :
1. They provide an easy access to people globally.
2. They make for a good break when people need one from their work or
just relax at home.
3. Since these SNSs have user generated content, they provide for Real -
Time News. One needs to be careful about the authenticity though.
4. Social networking is the new tool for marketing and networking for
5. SNSs allow businesses to reach out to customers for promotions, sales
after sales service as well as feedback.
6. As every site needs to be registered onto with their individual ids
recruiters today find it easier to reach out through social media sites.

Page 63

5.6.2 Disadvantages of Social Networking Sites :
1. Decreases face to face etiquette as also kindness, unders tanding and
thoughtfulness towards others.
2. With almost every second person being a part of social media
expressing their opinions and posting information, there are chances of
feeling overwhelmed by the information overload.
3. Every site needs one to register with personal data which can lead to
privacy issues.
4. The pressure is tremendous to ‘fit in’ with the trend, especially amongst
teens and young adults and sometimes also leads to cyber bullying.
5. Despite the large number of cyber friend s, online friendships lack the
emotional connect offered by real relationships.
6. Due to lack of personal contact, people sometimes tend to be negative
and hurtful towards others who don’t conform to their ideas.
7. Leans towards an addiction and brin gs in laziness.

Let us now look at a few social networking sites and apps in detail.

5.6.3 Facebook:
Facebook is by far the most popular social networking site today. What
was founded as a platform for socialising and interacting with fellow
students on the Harvard campus in 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg, Eduardo
Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz, and Chris Hughes, is
today one of the five big giants of the IT world today. And from being
used for networking on c ampus, Facebook boasts of over a billion users
today. There is hardly anyone, young or old, who doesn’t know or hasn’t
used Facebook. It has brought together old friends and helped the world
make some new ones. Advantages of Facebook :
1. An app version for smart phones is available for download making it
easy to access.
2. It helps to get in touch with people across the world.
3. Provides a messenger service and online chat facility for ease of
4. Can share and store p hotographs, videos and web pages or links
creating a personal portfolio.
5. Is used as an effective business tool as it provides a highly targeted
6. Can be used as a login button as it provides access to millions of
websites. Disad vantages of Facebook :
1. It is highly addictive leading a person to believe he’s spending a few
minutes which extend to hours unknowingly.

Page 64

2. Privacy becomes an issue as a lot of personal information is available
for the world to see.
3. Private stat us is published publicly making one an easy prey for
4. It is easy to create fake profiles for miscreants and then use it for
trolling others.
5. It is used as a platform for cyber bullying and spreading hate
messages by extremist groups.

5.6.4 Twitter :
Twitter is another social networking site that works as a blog does. It is a
platform for people to publish their thoughts, ideas and/or opinions free of
cost for the world to read. There is a limit of 260 characters per post
though. Therefo re, Twitter is called a micro blogging site. It becomes
challenging to compress one’s thoughts into such a short limit, but that
does not diminish its popularity. These posts published on Twitter are
known as Tweets. One is allowed to read and update these tweets as well
as read and comment upon those of others. One can restrict the readership
of one’s posts by choosing the circle of friends. Advantages of Twitter
1. It is available as an app that can be used on the smart phones.
2. It can be used to promote ideas and business.
3. There are no restrictions on the number of people that can be followed
or those that can follow you.
4. It allows for SMS notification.
5. It can be used to login to other websites with the same twitter id. Disadvantages of Twitter
1. As is true for most online pages, fake ids exist in abundance causing
trouble for other users.
2. The posting limitation of characters makes it di fficult to express
everything within the limit set.
3. Restrictions on the number of followers is looked at as a
4. As is with all SNSs, Twitter is addictive and brings along all the
drawbacks of addiction.
5. Overloading sometimes caus es a crash of the website.
6. Twitter has millions of users but most are silent and quite a few are

5.6.5 WhatsA pp:
WhatsApp is a free instant messaging phone -based application owned by
Facebook. It has a cross -platform centralised voice -over-IP service. Thus,
it can be used for messaging text and voice messages, as well as to make
voice and video calls. WhatsApp can also be used for sending files and

Page 65

documents, share photographs and pictures, location and other content too.
Being an instant messa ging service, the speed of delivering messages and
news is tremendous. Because of its user friendly design, the user base of
WhatsApp has grown to such an extend that in certain countries it is
allowed to be used as the official channel of communication am ongst
corporates. Advantages of WhatsApp :
1. It is extremely user friendly.
2. Can be used to speak to people anywhere in the world absolutely free
of cost.
3. Saves on cost in terms of sending documents.
4. Automatically imports the phon e contact list which exists in the
device and is ready for use.
5. There are no advertisements on the App, hence allowing for a
seamless experience.
6. It allows sharing of location which is then synced with Google maps
making it easy to trace the pers on or address. Disadvantages of WhatsApp
1. An Internet access is mandatory for being able to enjoy all the
features of the App.
2. It can be used by only those who have smart phones and have an
account on WhatsApp.
3. Because of the constant availability and accessibility, it becomes a
nuisance in terms of invasion of privacy.
4. One’s profile picture can be seen by everyone using the software
irrespective of whether they’re friends or otherwise.
5. There is a limit of 100 MB in terms of uploading files.
6. Because of the constant exchange of material, there are chances that
huge data gets consumed, be it cellular or WiFi plan.

1. Explain the importance of technology in Communication.
2. Elucidate the demerits of technology enabled communication.
3. How has internet changed the face of communication?
4. What is Moodle? What are its uses?
5. How does Facebook help in improving business?
6. What are the different types of blogs and ho w are they used?
7. What are the advantages of Social networking sites?
8. List out the email etiquette that should be followed.

Page 66

9. What is the distinguishing feature of twitter? How does it function in
10. How is WhatsApp different from other social networking sites?
Explain in detail.

 -of-technology -on-communication/
 https:// Researcg -of-communication -
technology -on-business/


Page 67


Unit Structure
6.0 Objectives
6.1 Components of Business Letter
6.2 Types of Letter Layout
6.3 Seven C’s of Communication
6.4 Summary

1. To introduce students about various components of business letters.
2. To inform and help students to understand various letter layouts.
3. To help students draft well knitted business letters.

The Basic/Obligator y Parts:
1. The address of the Sender/ Letter Head/ The Head address
2. Date
3. Inside Address/ Receiver’s Address
4. Salutation
5. Body of the letter
6. Complimentary Close
7. Signature

Optional Parts of a Business Letter:
1. Reference number
2. Attention Line
3. Subject/ The Caption Line
4. Enclosures
5. C.C. [Carbon Copy]
6. P.S. [Post Script]
7. Identification Line

The Address of the Sender/ Letter Head or the Head Address
 Printed at the top of the letter.
 It includes
i. the name of the sender — an individual or the organization

Page 68

ii. the postal , web, e -mail address
iii. contact details such as telephone, telex, fax numbers
iv. logo or emblem of the sender

 Lets the receiver know when it was written.
 Legal validity
 Essential for the purpose of filing and sorting of letters
 Helps in tracing a letter
 The American Way:

September 9, 2008
 The British Way:

9th September, 2008

Inside Address :
 Address of the receiver
Details: full name and designation of the receiver, and his/her official
address for correspondence
Salutation :
 Mode of addressing or greeting the receiver
Indication of the relationship between the sender and the receiver
i. Sir /Madam
[Subordinate addressing the superior, very formal]
ii. Dear Sir/Dear Madam
[Most commonly used form]
iii. Sirs or Dear Sirs
[To be used when one is writing to a company and not to an

Page 69

iv. Respected Sir/ Madam
[no longer being used, avoid using it while appl ying for a job]
v. Dear Mr. So and So
[When one knows the receiver]

Body of the Letter
 Core message
 Opening paragraph: gives the required information
 Middle paragraph: gives the required details Closing paragraph:
suggests the expected action

Complimentary Close :
 Conventional way of signaling a polite end of the letter Salutations and
complimentary closes go hand in hand
 Sir or Dear Sir Yours faithfully or

Yours truly
 Dear Mr. …… Yours sincerely or

Yours cordially

 A letter is incomplete without signature.
 Signature authenticates a letter.

Legal validity
i. Sd/-
M Ahuja
Mrs. Mona Ahuja, Manager.

ii. A person holding special power or power of attorney signing on behalf
of the firm. Per pro
S4 Solutions Sd/ -

Page 70

Ashish Awasthi

iii. A person signing in place of a senior authority in his absence For the
Mrs. Job Vice -Principal.

Reference Number
 Helps in maintaining the record
Serves as a context in which the messages get exchanged

Attention Line
 Attention line is inserted when the sender wants to focus the attention
of the receiver to whom the letter is addressed.

For your kind attention:

Subject/ The Caption Line
 Highlights the main purpose of the letter
 Helps while sorting letters by the subject and storing them accordingly

The subject line should be written in as few words as possible, and should
capture the essence of the letter.

 Attachments: additional papers that one sends along with the letter such
as the copies, photographs or any other supplementary documents
 The items enclosed must be listed in a serial order. This helps the
receiving or the filing clerk.

Encl: 1. Resume

2. Photocopy of NET certificate :

C.C. :
 Carbon copy notations that tell the receiver who the other receivers of the
letter are.
i. C.C. Chairperson, Students’ Council; Chairperson, Gymkhana

Page 71

ii. When, instead of a carbon copy, a fresh copy is sent to more than one
receiver, it is sent with a caption:

Copy to Chairperson, Students’ Council.
iii. When a copy is sent to another receiver without the knowledge of the
original receiver, then the copy is marked
B.C. [blind copy]
P.S. [Post Script]
 Inclusion of any piece of information, which the writer had forgotten to
include in the main message and which was important fr om the writer’s
point of view.

However, insertion of P.S. implied carelessness on the part of the writer
who had not planned his message properly.

Identification Line
 Initials of the person dictating the letter and typist
 Helps in pin -pointing the responsibility and thereby increasing the
accountability of individuals


Full Block Form :
• Widely used form
• Neat and uncluttered appearance
• Convenient form for the typist
• All the components are arranged close to the left hand margin.
• Double line spacing between paragraphs

Open punctuation: no comma at the end of sender’s and receiver’s
addresses and complimentary close as well.
Modified Block Form 1. Sender‘s Address ……………….. 2. Date : ……………… 3. Inside Address ……………. 4. Salutation …………. 5. Subject ………………..………………..……………….. 6. Message ..............………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………

Page 72

……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… …………………… 7. Complimentary Close ….....……………. 8. Signature …………………… 9. Encl: • It modifies the Full Block Form in order to break its monotony.
• Date, complimentary close and signature are shifted to the right hand
• Double line spacing between paragraphs

Open punctuation: no comma at the end of sender’s and receiver’s
addresses and complimentary close as well.
Semi Block Form 1. Sender’s Address ……………….. 2. Date : ……………… 3. Inside Address ……………. 4. Salutation …………. 5. Subject ………………..………………..……………….. 6. Message .……………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… …………………… 7. Complimentary Close ….....…………….
• Traditional form
• Balanced appearance
• Sender’s address: top centre of the page
• Date: right side
• Inside address and Salutation: left side
• Complimentary close: right side
• Subject line: close to the left hand margin
• Addresses: closely punctuated First line indent

 Clear  easy to understand

Page 73

 Concise  precise and to the point
 Concrete  no abstract words leading to confusion
 Correct  factually and grammatically correct
 Coherent  logical flow
 Complete  cover everything
 Courteous  polite, consideration for feelings and viewpoints of the

 The Basic/Obligatory Parts ! Head address, Date, Inside Address,
Salutation, Body of the letter, Complimentary Close, Signature
 Optional Parts ! Reference number, Attention Line, Subject,
Enclosures, C.C. [Carbon Copy],
 P.S. [Post Script], Identification Line
 Layouts  Full Block, Modif ied Block, Semi Block

Seven C’s of Communication  Clear, Concise, Concrete, Correct,
Coherent, Complete, Courteous


Page 74


Unit Structure
7.0 Objectives
7.1 Job Application Letter and Resume
7.2 Letter of Acceptance of Job Offer
7.3 Letter of Resignation
7.4 Statement of Purpose
7.5 Letter of Recommendation
7.6 Letter of Appreciation
7.7 Exercises

1. To introduce students about various components of business letters.
2. To inform and help students to understand various types of business
3. To help students draft well organized business letters.

Write a job application letter along with resume for the following
Wanted: Administrative Secretary for Priya Enterprises, Delhi (Job id:
 Job description: Administrative secretaries perform a variety of
administrative and clerical duties. They might answer phones and
support customers, organize files, prepare documents and schedule
 Qualification: Any graduate

Page 75

Mr. PQR,
21, Gagan Society,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai 400035
4th August 2019
The HR Manager,
Priya Enterprises,

Sub: Application for the post of Administrative Secretary (Job id:

Respected Sir/ Madam,
With reference to your advertisement in Times of India dated 1st August
2019, I wish to present myself as a suitable candidate for the post of
Administrative Secretary.

I have obtained my B .Com degree from University of Mumbai with O
grade in 2016. Thereafter I have also completed the course of Company
Secretary. Currently, I am working as secretary in PLUS Informatics, a
reputed BSE listed company. I am well -versed with routine administrative
duties such as answering phones and supporting customers, organizing
files, preparing documents and scheduling appointment s. I am a diligent,
hardworking person with an eye for details and vision for the future. At
the same time, I also have a good sense of humor and tact of handling
stress. I have attached my detailed resume along with this application.

I hope that my quali fication and experience would satisfy your short -
listing criteria and I would soon get an opportunity to present myself to
you personally at an interview.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,

Secretary, PLUS Informatics, Mumbai 400037
Mailing Address (Residence) : 21, Gagan Society, M.G. Road, Mumbai
400037, Maharashtra(India)
Email: Mob ileNo: XXXXXXXXXX Date of Birth: 24th July 1992 Nationality: Indian Category: Open Status: Single Languages known: English, Hindi and Marathi

Page 76

Educational Qualification : BCom Sr. No. Degree University Year Subject Percentage 1. SSC Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education 2007 All 84.13% 2. HSC Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education 2009 Arts 76.33% 3. BCom University of Mumbai 2012 Export 61.50%
 Details of Employment
Sr. No. Institution Designation Period 1. PLUS Informatics, Mumbai 400037 Junior Secretary June 2016-December 2017 2. PLUS Informatics, Mumbai 400037 Secretary January 2018 till date
 Special Skills
 Excellent writing and editing skills
 Mastery over all MS -Office applications

 Awards and Achievements
 Awarded the National Talent Search Scholarship in the year 2007

 Other Credentials
 Completed Certificate Course on Computer Concepts with B grade
in the year 2012 conducted by the DOEACC Society
 Completed Company Secretary Course conducted by ICSI in
December 2017

 Hobbies and Interests
 Reading
 Singing

 References Sr. No. Name Designation Address Contact Number Email 1. Mr. RMB HR Manager PLUS Informatics, Mumbai 400037 XXXXXX *****

Page 77

Imagine that you have been selected for the post of Administrative
Secretary by Priya Enterprises, Delhi. Write a letter of acceptance.

Mr. PQR,
21, Gagan Society,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai 400035 .
30th August 2019 .

The HR Manager,
Priya Enterprises,
Delhi .

Sub: Acceptance of Job Offer (Job id: 64399580)

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I sincerely thank you for selecting me for the post of Administrative
Secretary and I am very happy to inform you that I accept your offer.
As per the norms, I need to serve a notice of one month to my present
employer. Accordingly, I would take charge of my duty in your company
on 1st October 2019. I would like to know what documents are required to
be submitted at the time of joining.

Looking forward to the great team work in future.

Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,


Page 78

Imagine that you have been selected for the post of Administrative
Secretary by Priya Enterprises, Delhi. Write a letter of resignation to
your previous employer.

Mr. PQR,
21, Gagan Society,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai 400035
30th August 2019

The HR Manager,
PLUS Informatics,
Mumbai 400037
Sub: Resignation Letter

Respected Sir/ Madam,

I sincerely thank you for the wonderful work experience in your company
for last three years. I joined your company as fresher, made mistakes and
learnt many new things in the process. I must say that all the concerned
people have been good to me. However al l the good things in life come to
an end and this is not an exception. Life moves on and so should we.
Accordingly, I am joining a new company in a new city from 1st October
2019. During the notice period of one month, I would finish all my
pending work an d handover the charge. Still it won’t be the severing of all
the ties; I will be available whenever I am needed.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,


Write a Statement of Purpose for Fulbright (Foreign Language
Teaching Assistant) Program.

“You must not let anyone define your limits because of where you come
from. Your only limit is your soul.”

Page 79

Growing up in a cosmopolitan city like Mumbai, has numerous
advantages. Mumbai is fundamentally different from other cities in India
not just in the size of population but also in its culture. Originally
belonging to fisher folk, this small island has beco me the megacity by
incorporating within it people coming from all parts of India, belonging to
different castes, class, religions, languages and races. At the forefront of
economic and technological development, Mumbai has become the
melting pot where dive rse people mingle together more harmoniously than
anywhere else. Majority of people who come to Mumbai come here in the
search of better future and hope and are more willing to co -operate. The
city of Mumbai is also the hot spot of many socio -political -cultural
movements. Here one gets equal opportunity to develop oneself which in
turn leads to the social engineering as a whole. So being born and brought
up in Mumbai, I naturally absorb the multi -colors of its vibrant rainbow
with the motto of ‘sky is the l imit’.

After completing my graduation in English literature from the prestigious
Ruia College, I pursued my MA, BEd and PhD from University of
Mumbai. My doctoral research on the novels of Noble Laureate Toni
Morrison is an attempt to identify key issues of post colonial theory like
hegemony, displacement, stereotyping, resistance, subversion and
hybridity which are reflected in the vivid experiences of Morrison’s

As an African American woman writer, Morrison consciously thinks and
theorizes about enslavement. In her creative reflections about slavery and
racism in America, she anticipates many of the post colonial concerns.
Indeed, her canon itself reflects the pattern of colonization and
decolonization. Her early work (first four novels) str uggles with the effects
of colonization on African American individuals and the community while
her later work (her trilogy) moves into an exploration of decolonized
African American culture and history. Highlighting the ‘geometrical
oppression’ of race, s ex and class, Morrison vividly portrays the double
heritage of African Americans. Racially they are essentially African but
white blood has undoubtedly mixed into it. Similarly, culturally every
attempt was made by the white masters to wipe out African lan guage,
culture and heritage yet a very powerful black undercurrent has been
instrumental in the very conception of America as a nation.

Indeed, USA is an odd combination of colonization and de colonization .
Historically, America was the first colony to break away from the
‘mother’ country England and declare its independence. At the same time,
as a settler colony it established itself by displacing the original inhabitants
and practicing institutionalized slavery. This paradox has entered the very
genes of America. Even today on one hand there are the ‘neo -cons’ who
wish to establish the empire of (Protestant, white, male) Americans all
over the world and on the other there are those minority groups —
feminists, homosexuals, African Americans, Hispanics,
environmentalists —who inspire the marginalized people all over the world

Page 80

to fight for their rights. For instance, Harlem Renaissance instigated
Negritude movement in Africa and black literature in America motivated
Dalit literature in India. To cite another famous example Martin Luther
King adopted the non -violence technique of Mahatma Gandhi and in turn
influenced Nelson Mandela.

This link between America and India as nations and cultures can be traced
as back as 19th century. It was education that brought these seemingly
diverse worlds of east and west closer creating wonders and legends. One
cannot forget that the first lady doctor of India Dr. Anandibai Joshi
received her medical degree from Women’s Medical College of
Pennsylvania in 1886. Similarly the Architect of Indian Constitution Dr.
B. R. Ambedkar studied his masters in Economics at Columbia University
in 1915 -16. An alumnus of Harvard University in early 1920s, Indian
polymath prodigy D.D. Kosambi freely wandered the fields of
mathematics, statist ics, numismatics, philology, anthropology, history and
historiography. Renowned scientist and National Research Professor
Bharat Ratna Dr. C. N. R. Rao pursued his doctoral research in chemistry
at Purdue University in 1958. Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus o f Tata
Group, underwent Advanced Management Program at Harvard Business
School in 1975 after which not just the profit but also the charity of Tata’s
skyrocketed. Former RBI Governor and former Chief Economist of IMF
Raghuram Rajan received his management training for PhD at MIT Sloan
School of Management in 1991. Apart from them innumerable students
from India could widen their intellectual horizons in America and
consequently be instrumental in bringing about social engineering in India
thanks to the vari ous educational and cultural exchange programs like the
Fulbright Program.

Fulbright Foreign Language Teaching Assistant Program (FLTA) is not
just a part of the cultural diplomacy but also a whole new experience of
academic adventure. It’s an oppo rtunity to decolonize the minds by
transcending all the biases and prejudices regarding caste, class, gender,
religion, race, nationality and place of origin etc. Though English language
and literature was introduced in India as a ‘mask of conquest’, ironi cally it
became instrumental in crystallizing modern Indian nationalism on
rational and egalitarian foundation. In the post World War II era, the
expansion of literary canon worldwide led to the inclusion of Indian/
American/ Caribbean/ Canadian/ Australia n/ African/ African American
and other subaltern voices in the mainstream English studies. The
appropriation of English by former colonized subjects aptly called
‘chutnification’ of English by Salman Rushdie aims at expressing and
preserving one’s original identity in an alien language by making that
language one’s own. Borrowed from the culinary practice of preserving
original food stuff for future consumption by processing it which may
change its flavors completely, this process has expanded the horizons of
English studies beyond imagination. It has also revolutionarized the
attitude of various stakeholders of higher education including curriculum
designers, teachers and students worldwide to chart the future course of

Page 81

action towards a more progressive and inclusive policy of education. It is
noteworthy that today English studies as a discipline is concerned with not
only the literature written or translated in English language but also the
idiosyncratic, personal, historical, cultural and socio -economic -political
currents responsible for its production and circulation which in turn
influence those currents as well. The policies underlying the inclusion/
exclusion of particular texts plus the various literary and critical theories
(such as Cultural Studies, Deconstruction, Eco -criticism, Ethnic Studies,
Feminist Theory, Formalism, Gender and Sexuality, Geo -criticism,
Marxist Theory, Narrative Theory, New Criticism, New Historicism,
Postcolonial Studies, Postmodernism, Post -structuralism, Psychoanalysis,
Reade r-Response Theory, Structuralism and Subaltern Studies etc.)
applied to those texts in a classroom comprising of students coming from
different cultural backgrounds is both challenging and exciting.

In my current position as an Assistant Professor teachi ng Communication
Skills in English mostly to first generation learners of underprivileged
migrant working class to Mumbai, I have come across students from the
cross -section of Indian society comprising of diversity of castes, religions,
genders and langua ges grappling to master the ability of self -expression.
What I found interesting in my teaching experience is how instantly and
intuitively all of them respond to Walt Disney cartoons identifying with
the protagonists, replicating their dialogues, playing their roles, telling and
retelling their stories, then gradually spinning their own stories and
transforming those imaginary inspirational tales into reality by learning
significant life lessons along with the language. Their learning experience
in turn ha s expanded my horizons of experience and taught me how
identity is really performative and reality is certainly a construct, both of
which can be deconstructed and reconstructed at will. With this premise in
mind, I look forward to Fulbright FLTA Program, to be a part of a venture
aimed at constructing a better world for all through education. To
conclude once again I will quote from a Disney film:

“Venture outside your comfort zone. The rewards are worth it.” —
Rapunzel (Tangled)


Write a recommendation letter for Ms. XYZ as a suitable candidate
for Fulbright (Foreign Language Teaching Assistant) Program.

To whom so ever it may concern
I am happy to write this Letter of Recommendation for Ms. XYZ as a
suitable cand idate for the prestigious Fulbright FLTA program in US. I
have witnessed her transformation from a bright student to an empowering

Page 82

teacher over the last one decade. As her mentor, I can authenticate her
outstanding professional skills and sound moral chara cter.

Ms. XYZ’s intellectual inquisitiveness, open -heartedness to meet and
befriend new people, passion for worldwide literatures and cultures plus
adventurous spirit make her a perfect scholar -explorer capable of
collaboration with a wide variety of peo ple. As a student, a researcher and
a teacher, she has successfully worked in numerous teams at college and
university level; completed two research projects funded by the University
of Mumbai; published around 18 research articles/papers; attended a
numbe r of seminars, conferences and workshops; taken advantage of
several professional development opportunities offered in the country and
undergone professional training such as Orientation Program, Special
Summer School and Refresher Course in Linguistics at three distant places
in other states like Shillong (Meghalaya) Rajkot (Gujarat) and Ranchi
(Jharkhand) respectively.

In spite of her training in English literature, she is well -versed with ancient
as well as modern Indian languages (such as Sanskrit, H indi and Marathi)
and literatures. As a writer, her talent lies in synthesizing idiosyncratic,
cultural perspectives in a kaleidoscopic panorama and presenting those
vistas in lucid language of common sense. Her exceptional verbal skills
and depth of knowl edge can build bridges of communication and
understanding across languages and cultures.

Ms. XYZ is scrupulous, caring, charming, and liberal -minded with a
strong commitment towards global cultural harmony and world peace. As
a Foreign Language T eaching Assistant, she will foster a similar attitude
among her students for sure. Therefore, I enthusiastically support her
pursuit of Fulbright FLTA program in US. Please feel free to contact me
for any more information in this regard.

Thanking you.
Dr. ABC,
Department of English,
J. G. R. College, Mumbai,
Maharashtra, INDIA.


Page 83

Write an appreciation letter for Ms. XYZ praising her dedication
towards her work as a teacher.

Asso. Professor and Head,
Department of English,
R.J.V. College,
Mumbai 400086
14th April 2019
Ms. XYZ,
21, Gagan Society,
M.G. Road,
Mumbai 400035

Sub: Letter of Appreciation
Dear Ms. XYZ,
It’s my great pleasure to write this Letter of Appreciation for you. It’s only
last year that you have been inducted as a post graduate teacher for MA
(English) program at R.J.V. College and in such a short span of time, you
have become the most favorite t eacher of all the students.

I am impressed with your commitment to purposeful teaching -learning
whereby education is not restricted only up to the curriculum but instead
treated as an exciting experience of leading a prodigious life. Equipped
with deep i nsights in English literature along with a solid training in
pedagogical methods, you introduce your students to new ideas with great
energy and enthusiasm. You also encourage your students to relate their
own experiences to that of literature thereby enri ching their critical
appreciation. Your charismatic personality, creative mind and excellent
classroom management skills are instrumental in developing rapport,
understanding and mutual respect with students and inspiring them to
aspire for great goals.

Your research abilities are equally noteworthy as reflected in your doctoral
research, two research projects and 18 research articles/papers. Your
contribution in various seminars, conferences and workshops has also
been very significant. I must say that t he critical insights from diverse
theoretical standpoints come naturally to you.

You indeed have an outstanding career with ample opportunities to
demonstrate your abilities at the global level. You have my highest
recommendation as an excellent teacher and I look forward to your future
professional growth with utmost excitement.

Thanking you.

Page 84

Q.1 Draft a reply to the following advertisement:
Wanted immediately an experienced accountant, capable of taking
charge of all the accounts of a reputed departmental store. Apply
Box X -236, Indian Express, Express Towers, Mumbai 400023,
with particulars of qualification, experience, salary expected etc.
Q.2 Write a resume to be enclosed with the above application letter.
Q.3 Assuming that you have been selected for the above job, write a
letter accepting the job offer. (Use Full Block Layout)
Q.4 Assuming that you have been selected for the above job, write a
letter of resignation to your previous employer. (Use Modified
Block Layout)
Q.5 You are applying to the University of M for a post graduate
research program in their School of Economics. Write a Statement
of Purpose to that effect.
Q.6 Write an unsolicited application for the post of a junior sales
representative in Joyce & Mauntford Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai.
Q.7 Attempt any two of the following.
Q.8 Write a resume to be enclosed with the above application letter.
Q.9 Assuming that you have been selected for the above job, write a
letter accepting the job offer. (Use Full Block Layout)
Q.10 Assuming that you have been selected for the above job, write a
letter of resignation to your previous employer. (Use Modified
Block Layout)


Page 85

Unit Structure
8.0 Learning Objectives
8.1 Introduction
8.2 What is a Paragraph?
8.3 Types of Paragraphs
8.4 The mechanics of writing a paragraph including Cohesion (using
appropriate linking devices) and Coherence
8.5 Parts of a Paragraph and Sentence Types used in each part.
8.6 Self -Editing
8.7 How to compose a cohesive paragraph on a given situation
(Developing an idea)
8.8 Specimen Paragraphs
8.9 How to interpret technical data
8.10 Summary
8.11 Glossary
8.12 Exercises
8.13 References

a. To explain the meaning of “Paragraph”
b. To help students understand the essentials of good paragraph writing :
structure of a paragraph, and various elements (cohesion, coherence) ,
and types of paragraphs
c. To introduce students to the idea of self –editing
d. To enable students to write a cohesive paragraph on a given topic
e. To train students to write a topic sentence and employ different types of
sentence construction s

Writing is an im portant part of communication. Being able to write well is
a matter of skill. Fortunately, writing skills, like other skills, can be learnt
and mastered through training and pra ctice. Since effective writing makes
it possibl e for us to communicate messages clearly, correctly, conc isely,
courteously, and completely, it is important to develop these skills.

Page 86

Proficiency in writing involve s appropriate use of words , correct spellings,
suitable punctuation, and the ability to frame syntactically , and
semantically correct sentences , using the devices of cohesion and
coherence where necessary. And further, to be in a position to analyse,
and critic ally evaluate one’s own writing or a given piece. Depending on
the type of writing it is, ideas, thoughts, opinions, information etc . should
be presented in a suitable and appropriate form: one that enhances
readability, comprehensibility, and understanding of a paragraph . Such a
mode of presentation wou ld make reading a pleasurable and profitable
experience which the reader would seek to replicate, and which, in the
course of time, would develop into a habit and an area of special interest.

A paragraph is a distinct unit of a written composition , which typically
expresses a particular single topic, description, idea etc. It is a complete,
well-formed , and well -organised composition , a short part of formal
writing used to organize longer t ext. It could sometimes consist of even a
single meaningful sentence ; or could be a series of related, well -
connected sentences constituting a unified whole . Every paragraph must
begin on a new line. Usually the first sentence of the paragraph cont ains
the main idea. This could be followed by an example, illustration,
explanation or discussion to bring out the implications clearly and

There could be p aragraph s of different types depending on the intended
purpose :

A. Descriptive paragraph : In this case, t here is description of factual and
sensory details, places/processes/thi ngs/persons, causes and effects . It
appeals to the five senses : touch, smell, sight, sound, and taste.
For example,
A Paragraph on : ‘A Beautiful Scenery ’; ‘Celebration of a Festival’; ‘An
Accident Scene’

B. Narrative Paragraph : Here it is as if a person is telling a story by
present ing a sequence of action , or a series of events as they actually
happened in a particular time and space.
For example,
A Paragraph on: ‘A Student narrating to his parents what happened when
he faced the college Principal that day in connection with his name
appearing in the attendance defaulters’ l ist’; ‘A young person narrating to
his family what happened at his first job intervie w’

C. The Expository paragraph : In thi s, the writer takes the reader step by
step throug h a description, explanation or a course of instructions .

Page 87

For example,
A Paragraph on ‘How to prepare for the M.P.S.C. examination’

D. Persuasive paragraph : The writer presents the reader with a
collection of facts , reasons , or arguments , so that the reader may be
influenced, convinced , and won over by the writer’s point of view and
be of the same opinion .

For Example,
A Paragraph on ‘An Appeal for Blood Donation’; ‘The Text of An

8.4 The Mechanics of Writing a Paragraph Including Cohesion (Using Appropriate Linking Devices) and
Writing a well -composed paragraph may not be all that easy . A
paragraph having a collection of sentences with a proper structure ,
cohesion , coherence, and unity would be considered a well -knit paragraph.

Consider the following set of sentences:
Manisha Mehta runs a small -scale industry. She has decided to send her
daughter to a foreign university for higher studies. She has to take care of
her elderly parents. She owns a three -storeyed building in Nagpur.

This set of sentences can not be considered as a well-knit paragraph
because it lacks cohesion and coherence. It is, therefore, necessary to
consider the following e lements to form a good paragraph:
 Unity
 Clarity
 Cohesion and Coherence
 Logical Order
 Variety
 Completeness

8.4.1 Unity: This is an essential element as it acts as a binding force in a
paragraph. Unity can be attained through the f ocus on a single particular
topic ( the controlling idea) . The theme is introduced through t he Topic
sentence (usually placed at the beginning of a paragraph) . This is
followed by the other related sentences which either support or illustrate
the topic and thus help to reinforce the central idea. The set of coherent
sentences makes a paragraph lo ok like a single unified piece and not patch

8.4.2 Clarity: A very well -structured paragraph presents the connected
ideas / relevant information in a simple, lucid style , and has consistency of
purpose. The u se of proper tense, and grammatically, semantically , and

Page 88

technically correct, concise , and simple sentences will help to bring out the
message clearly and forcefully.

8.4.3 Cohesion and Coherence : These important elements facilitate
readability , comprehensibility, and connecti vity in a paragraph . The use of
cohesive devices like conjunctions, word markers, and linking
words/phrases help to hold together different parts of a paragraph . These
integrate information into a sequential order; establish logical
relationship between sentences according to relevance . The following are
the cohesive devices which can be used for the purpose:
i. Synonym : (words having the same/similar meaning)
ii. Antonym : (opposites)
iii. Parallelism : (This means parallel/ equivalent structures of
clauses/phrases e.g. ‘She enjoys dancing, singing, and walking ’.)
iv. Transition : (These words/phrases help connect
sentences/paragraphs, and thus, allow ideas to flow smoothly . e.g. to
illustrate a point : ‘for example’, ‘for instance’ )
v. Tense of the Verb : (Past, Present or Future)
vi. Grammatical reference s: (These internal references show the
connection between ideas /sentences. Types of Grammatical
Reference: a. Pronouns: (e.g. ‘he’, ‘it’, ‘they’ etc are used to refer
back to something previously mentioned .) b. Demonstratives (‘this’,
‘that’, ‘these’, ‘those’) c. Comparatives (another, more, such) .
vii. Conjunctions : help to join sentences/clauses (e.g. ‘and’, ‘but’, ‘if’ )

Such c ohesive devices are used to create coheren ce. Coherence is achieved
when ideas and sentences flow naturally from the preceding ones
organising themselves into observable patterns like problem -solution;
general to particular ; particular to general ; steps in a process etc.

Observe the following two paragraphs. The first lacks both cohesion and
coherence whereas the second is written coherently:

A. My father is a very busy person. My mother is also working. Even I go
to school everyday. My brother is playing in the garden. Cows are grazing
in the field. Sunrise in our village is a beautiful sight. My village is
situated in the midst of the mountains. My name is Megha.

A. My father, Mr Shyam Patil, is a very busy person. Since his reporting
time at office is 8 am , he has to catch the train at 6.00 am from Virar to
reach Churchgate. Everyday he returns home by 9.30 pm. Though Sunday
is his weekly off, he has to work even on Sundays. This busy schedule
doesn’t allow him to enjoy his life.

8.4.4 Logical Order: Ideas /points should be structured in a particular
sequence , for example, logical argument; chronological order; spatial
pattern; order of importance/size . This establishes logical progression
which makes for easy readability and comprehension. The following ar e

Page 89

some of the l inking devices /connectives / transitions/word markers,
which are used to connect sentences within a paragraph :
Purpose Linking words To add to the previous point: again, and, also, besides, equally important, first second, etc., further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, moreover, next, too, additionally To support or illustrate for example, for instance, in fact, specifically, that is, to illustrate, as follows, to give a specific example, namely, as an illustration To compare/to show similarity: also, in the same manner/way, likewise, similarly, similar to, correspond to, like, in like fashion. To show contrast between ideas: although, yet, at the same time, but, despite, even though, however, in contrast, in spite of, nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, still, dissimilarly, otherwise, unlike, while, in any case, regardless of this, still, notwithstanding To explain, define: in other words, to explain, to clarify, on the whole, to paraphrase To indicate Generalization generally, generally speaking, in general, on the whole, overall, all in all To give opinion from my point of view, in my opinion/view To summarize or conclude at last, eventually, in the end, all in all, in conclusion, conclusively, in closing, in other words, in short, in summary, on the whole, that is, therefore, to sum up, to conclude, as you can see, in sum, to summarize, as a result, thus, finally, to be brief, in a word To show logic/to support further furthermore, in addition, in fact, another example/reason is…, moreover To denote time: after, afterwards, as, as long as, as soon as, at last, before, during, earlier, finally, formerly, immediately, later, meanwhile, next, since, shortly, subsequently, then, thereafter, until, when, while, the first, now, at the beginning,

Page 90

before, by this time, soon, in the middle of, in the meantime, at the same time, presently, at the end, at that instant, after a short time, at last, simultaneously, in the morning, yesterday, second, before noon, today, a more recent, third, in the afternoon, tomorrow, the most recent, in the evening, the day after tomorrow, in the past, the next day, this year, the earliest, in the present, two weeks later, next year, the next available opportunity, in the future, six months later, in the next few years, the most recent To show place or direction above, below, beyond, close, elsewhere, farther on, here, nearby, opposite, to the left (north, etc.) To indicate logical relationship/show results accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason, hence, if, otherwise, since, so, then, therefore, thus, due to To indicate consequence If so, if not, in that case, under the circumstances, otherwise To show importance the best, the most important, the first, the next best, equally important, more important than, the least best, the next most important, the worst, the least important To show space behind, on the edge of, beside, in front, over, towards, around, facing east, against, under, throughout, near, alongside, below, to the right of, side by side, in the centre, South of, ahead of, beneath, to the left of, close to inside, here, low down, on top of, next to, outside, there, on the bottom, at the top, down, at the end of, on, beyond, on the corner, between, above, farther on. To show size the largest; larger than; the large-sized; the next to largest; the smallest; smaller than; the small-sized; the next to smallest; the tallest; the shortest; equal to; the medium-sized; To show sequence first, second, third, firstly, first of all, in the end, finally, lastly

Page 91

To show Chain-Link on the one hand, one example of, in the first place, in other words, the first, for instance, in the second place, in fact, the second, another example, in the third place, also, the third, again, a further example, besides, for example, moreover, for another example, another, since, second, still another, a further, in addition, still, specifically, In the same way, furthermore, while more specifically, in fact, instead, in particular, the opposite of, additionally, on the contrary side, lastly, the last indeed, as a result, to the contrary, consequently, in contrast, even though, naturally, in spite of likewise, nevertheless, even if after all, despite , similarly, nonetheless, a dissimilar To give reason For this reason, because of, with this in mind, in view of To change the subject By the way, incidentally To emphasize idea Above all, indeed, certainly, truly, of course
(Taken from Muthal, M. Business Communicatio n: University of Mumbai:
ng_cue_cards.pdf and Lingua Essays for TOEFL/IELTS : pages 11, 12 )

8.4.5 Variety: This is achieved through the use of various images,
words, illustrations and varying sentence lengths and structures. Every
sentence should begin in a different way and repetition of words should be
avoided: synonyms may be used instead word order could be varied to
avoid monotony.

8.4.6 Completeness: A well -structured and well -developed paragraph is
always complete as far as all the details are concerned. After statement of
the main point, there could be supporting ideas to consolidate it, and the
last sentence should round off the paragraph. This kind of structure
ensures that it stands independent while still being integral to the main text
of which it is the part.

8.5 PARTS OF A PARAGRAPH AND SENTENCE TYPES USED IN EACH PART The following Table gives dif ferent parts of a paragraph and types of
sentences used in each of these parts:

Page 92


Each of th e above -mentioned parts is important because it contributes to
coherence , and provides for a clearer understanding .

A. Introduct ory Part : The opening sentence (which is usually t he Topic
sentence ) of a par agraph introduces the central theme of the paragraph.
However, sometimes , this part may begin with a sentence or a few
sentences, which lead up to the Topic Sentence.

A well-organised paragraph contains a Topic/key Sen tence, an important
sentence that clearly defines the theme of a paragraph. It not only
introduces the purpose of a paragraph, but also provides the overall idea ,
and thus , sets its tone. It may be placed in the middle or towards the end of
the text. It decides the order of the rest of the sentences and binds them
together. A good Topic sentence is neith er too general nor too specific .
Similarly, it should not be too wordy or difficult. A clearly -worded Topic
sentence enhances the understanding and rea dability of a paragraph. A
good topic sentence contains the main idea of the paragraph followed by a
concomitant part which helps to govern the choice of the supporting ideas
or points, which are to follow in the subsequent sentences in the

Examples of strong Topic sentences:
i. Corruption in India has become common due to various reasons .
 Main Idea: Corruption in India has become common
 Concomitant part: due to various reasons

ii. To be successful in life requires certain qualities
 Main Idea: To be successful in life
 Concomitant part : requires certain qualities

iii. Unemployment can be reduced by taking certain measures.
 Main Idea : Unemployment can be reduced
 Concomitant part : by taking certain measures

Parts of Paragraph Type s of sentences used A. Introduc tory Part Usually the Topic Sentence . However, sometimes
a sentence or a few sentences may lead up to the
Topic Sentence B. Middle Part Sentences (two or more) containing supporting
matter e.g. description, explanation, discussion,
example etc C. Closing / Ending Clincher Sentence . This sentence usually rounds
off the paragraph while holding a hint /suggestion
of what is to follow in the succeeding paragraph

Page 93

Examples of weak topic sentences :
i. “Mumbai is the capital of Maharashtra”
ii. “Delhi is highly polluted city.”

The above Topic sentences can be revised as follows:
i. Mumbai , the capital of Maharashtra, is a prosperous city.
ii. Delhi is a highly polluted city due to various reasons.

B. Middle Part : This includes a set of supporting sentences that explain
the topic, provide relevant analysis, arguments, examples , discussion,
information etc. as may be required, to elaborate upon the main idea. They
help to present the subject -matter clearly by providing facts, concrete,
specific details, examples and evidence. These upporting sentences, are
logically connected to the Topic sentence and expand, explain, clarify,
illustrat e, exemplify it. To boost and back up the supporting ideas, the
following devices may be used: comparison/contrast, definitions,
analysis, description, classification, cause and effect, facts, details,
examples, short quotations, statistics, percent ages , research data, personal
experiences, select reasons, , names, numbers, senses .

C. Closing/Ending : This is the closing sentence which clinches the
argument, co ncludes the discussion and rounds off the paragraph . It often
leads the reader logically to anticipate what is to follow , and be taken up
in the next paragraph.

The following well-organized paragraph shows how the use of transition
words (which are indicated in Bold Print ) lead the reader smoothly from
the Beginning th rough the Middle to the Ending /Close of the Paragraph :
I don’t wish to deny that the flattened, minuscule head of the large -bodied
"stegosaurus" houses little brain from our subjective, top -heavy
perspective, BUT I do wish to assert that we should not expect more of the
beast. FIRST OF ALL, large animals have relatively smaller brains than
related, small animals. The correlation of brain size with body size among
kindred animals (all reptiles, all mammals, FOR EXAMPLE) is
remarkably regular. AS we move from small to large animals, from mice
to elephants or small lizards to Komodo dragons, brain size increases,
BUT not so fast as body size. IN OTHER WORDS, bodies grow faster
than brains, AND large animals have low ratios of brain weight to body
weight. IN FACT, brains grow only about two -thirds as fast as bodies.
SINCE we have no reason to believe that large animals are consistently
stupider than their smaller relatives, we must conclude that large animals
require relatively less brain to do as well as sma ller animals. IF we do not
recognize this relationship, we are likely to underestimate the mental
power of very large animals, dinosaurs in particular. (Stephen Jay Gould,
“Were Dinosaurs Dumb?”)

(Taken from: -guides/pdf/par agraphs -and-
topic -sentences.pdf)

Page 94

This means editing your own writing work. It is an important skill that
helps you to improve upon your own piece of writing . It is necessary for
the writer to read and re -read what S/he has written , critically examine
and evaluate it, making corrections, if required, as far as choice of
words, sentence pattern, style, and spelling and grammatical errors are
concerned. The writer may feel the need to mod ify or revise parts of it,
perhaps, to eliminate irrelevant matter , in order to make it more effective.
In this way , the writer ensures that it is well -written and hence, easily
comprehensible to the reader. (By “evaluation” is meant analysing the
content and confirming whether i ts purpose is fulfilled or not . “Revision”
implies improving the subject matter and sentence structure.)

8.6.1 The checklist presented below could facilitate self -editing:

a. Follow the Cs of effective communication : Communication must be
Correct, concise, complete , candid, courteous, and clear. Use
spell/grammar /punctuation check. Language used should be short, and
For example, use single word instead of phrases: ‘at the rear of’: ’ behind ’;
‘Make an assumption ’:’to assum e’; ‘In the direction of ’: ‘towards ’; ‘at the
present time’: ‘now’

b. Use a simple, lucid style : Use short, common, familiar words instead
of long polysyllabic ones.
For example, ‘buy’ instead of ‘purchase’.
‘confusion’ instead of ‘pandemonium’

c. Use the “You-attitude ”: Explaining things from the receiver’s point of
a. Avoid the use of jargon that is technical terms : Every field has its
own jargon, which people outside it , will not understand it. For
example, the word ‘Syntax’ used in Linguistics means ‘Grammar ’.
The “Copy” in the field of Advertising means the text of the
b. Avoid using trite expressions : for example, Instead of ‘your good
self’, use ‘yourself’. ‘What is your good name?’, use what is your
c. Avoid redundancy (e.g. 3 pm in the afternoon) , cliches , and

She follows diet in order to reduce her weight.
She follows diet to reduce her weight.

Page 95

d. Use the proper tense of the verbs : There should be consistency in the
use of the tense .
For example,
“Yesterday, she is going to the beauty parlour.” (wrong sentence as verb is
wrong. ‘Yesterday, she went…’

e. Use varying sentence structure . Also, use synonyms if words, already
used, need to be repeated. In this way, m onotony will be avoided, and
the style will become more interesting.

d. Maintain consistency in the use of the various parts of speech; active
and passive voice; subject -verb agreement; singular/plural etc. For
example, avoid sentences like the fol lowing:
 “My daily schedule is to dance, singing, and meditating.”
Say, instead,
 “Drugs are often used for its medicinal value.”

Say, instead,
o “Drugs are often used for their medicinal value.”
 “She do not like eating vegetables”

Say, instead,
o “She does not like eating vegetables.”
 “My daily schedule is dancing, singing and to meditate.”

Say instead,
o “My daily schedule is dancing, singing and meditating.”

j. Use the active voice as far as possible as it is more direct. For example,
say “She picked up a stone “ rathe r than “A stone was picked up by

k. Check for clarity of Introduction , proper flow of ideas and proper

The following is an illustration of the kind of points that could go towards
forming the introductory, Middle and Closing parts of a paragraph:
Example A.

 Introductory Part (Topic Sentence) :
Rain -Water harves ting is the need of the day as water s carcity is a serious
problem .

Page 96

 Middle Part (Supporting Points) :
Rain -water harvesting is a simple method by which rainfall is collected
for future us e. There are two methods of Rainwater harvesting: a. Surfac e
run–off Rainwater harvesting b. Roof -top Rainwater Harvesting .

 Closing/Ending Part:
This mode of water management will help to maintain ecological balance.

Based on this structure the following Paragraph may be composed :
Rain -Water harvesting is an urgent need , as water scarcity is a serious
problem , globally. Fresh water sources are becoming scarce day by day.
But precious rain water, which could be saved and utilised, is
unfortunately either left to flow into drains leading to wastage; or to
cause flooding , and consequently soil erosion. Rain water harvesting can
tackle such a situation productively by seizing the opportunity of
collecting the available water, and accumulating it. Rain -Water harvesting
is a simple method by which rain water is collected , purified, and stored
for future us e by using one or both of the followin g methods: a. Surface
run–off Rainwater (which could be allowed to seep into the ground and
help replenish groundwater. ) b. Rooftop Rainwater Harvesting (wherein
Rain water from the roof of the building is directly collected , and passed
into a tank ). Arid regions, which face a scarcity of water, could benefit
from both these methods : making provision for water availability for
domestic use, while also maintaining the ecological balance as far as
ground water levels are concerned. Effective water manage ment strategies
can supplement othe r sources of water supply, and are useful in areas
without ground water or with contaminated ground water. Cost-wise too,
they are affordable. Thus, this kind of water management can solve th e
major problem of water short age, which is affecting the population and
environment badly.

Example B:
 Topic sentence and the supporting sentences:
Introductory Part ( Topic Sentence ):
 Goa is known as “Tourists ’ Paradise” for a variety of reasons .
Middle Part ( Supporting Ideas ):
 Its scenic beauty is enchanting . Its unique history and rich culture are
fascinating . Its heritage and architecture are captivating . Adventure
sports and a peaceful Goan life -style are the centre of attraction for
tourists. People come here also to rel ish Goan food.
Closing part:
 Suggestion to prospective/potential tourists

Based on this structure, the following paragraph can be composed by
adding details , examples, further information :
Goa is known as “Tourists’ Paradise” for a variety of reasons. Its scenic
beauty is enchanting . There are some 36 beaches within North and South

Page 97

Goa. The sandy beaches, waterfalls, lush green forests, coconut palms , and
pure cool breeze add their special touch of natural beauty. Nature here
refreshes the mind , and rejuvenates the body , strengthening it against
infection. Goa’s unique history , and rich culture are fascinating . Its
heritage and architecture are captivating . The influence of Portuguese
and Goan Culture are evident in the architectur al design of temples,
churches, forts , and even house s. Adventure sports (like surfing, scuba -
diving, parasailing, paragliding, water -scooter riding etc.), and a peaceful
Goan lifestyle are additional attractions for tourists. People also come here
to relish Goan sea-food specialities , and delicious sweets. Don’t you
think , everyone should visit this amazing place at least once in a lifetime ?

Example C:
A paragraph can be developed by raising questions and answering these
questions :

Let us compose a paragraph based on the following set of questions:
a. What is MOOC?
b. How does it work?
c. What types of courses are conducted through MOOC?
d. What are its advantages?
e. What are its disadvantages?

MOOC is the acronym for Massive Open Online Course. This is a free
web-based distance learning program that gives an open access via web.
Students can a ccess it from remote areas through the internet. It is
originally designed for higher education , and career advancement. But
because of the Corona Virus Pandemic, its application has been extended
even to schools. Students get online access to study material which
includes video lectures, interaction, quizzes, examination etc. MOOC
requires a course provider (university, C ollege , school, Corporations ) that
provides course material ; and also a course platform (EdX,
Coursera/Udacity and Canvas) that supports course module design , user
access, and other learning resources. Matter uploaded on MOOC is
presented in the form of modules. A Module includes a lesson, lectures,
interactive sessions, graphics, diagrams, study material, test/examination
etc. Courses conducted through MOOC are of two types: i. Synchronous
(This is an instructor -facilitated course , wher ein there is a course schedule ,
and all participants are required to attend , “virtual ly” , at the same time ) .
ii. Asynchronous (This is a self-directed course , wherein all participants
need not be present “virtually ”, at the same time).

These online courses are very useful. They provide easy access to higher
education , and allow “virtual ” attendance , hence , there is no geographical
barrier. Even cost -wise, these courses are affordable. The flexi learning
schedule makes for convenience, al lowing students to learn and progress
at their own time and pace. All these features promote unlimited

Page 98

But MOO C has its limitations , too. Lack of digital literacy, poor internet
connecti vity, absence of the personal touch etc affect these courses
adversely. Despite its shortcomings , MOOC has its own significant role to
play in the educational field.

Sample 1
Many poor boys have risen to high positions. Abraham Lincoln was born
in a humble log cabin, spent part of his life as a rail splitter, and later
became the emancipator of the slaves and the President of the United
States of America. Louis Pasteur was bor n of poor parents, but through
great struggle, became world -renowned for his pasteurisation process.
Giuseppe Verdi was born poor in a small Italian village, and as a youth,
played an organ for the community Church. In his later years, he wrote the
unforge ttable opera. Dr APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India, was
born in a middle -class family in a village in Tamil Nadu. Through sheer
grit and hard work, he rose to become the ‘Missile Man’ and later the
President of India. Indeed, there are many people in this world who were
born of poor parentage, but as men or women, made it to high positions in
life. (Taken from Total English 10 by P. Pinto Xavier Pinto )

Certain kinds of data (for example, statistical figures, quantities etc .) often
need to be collated, so that, in perspective, they yield information on the
particular matter that is being represented. The visual method of
communication best present s ideas about progress, extent, comparison,
contrast, relations between quantities etc ., which would be very difficult to
convey by using words. The number of words, and nature of sentence
construction that would be necessary to generate the desired impression
would be so cumbersome that they would only confound , instead of
helping , the reader understand the position at hand. When such technical
data is put in pictorial form (Graphs, Pie Charts, Maps etc), a “picture ”
emerges of the situation being described . Representation in pictorial form
also helps the rea der to grasp and remember the matter eas ily.

Technical data can be presented in various forms such as:
1. Tables
1. Graphs: Line Graph; Bar Graph and , Pie Chart
2. Maps
3. Diagrams
4. Pictograms

Page 99

This mode of communication has become very popular and important in
today’s fast-paced and competitive world for the following reasons:
1. Information can be obtained at a glance , thus, saving time.
2. It promotes critical thinking
3. The display ed data facilitates analys is, evaluation, and discussion
4. It helps t he reader understand and remember things better
5. It brings out the connection , pattern or relationship between data

In order to compose a paragraph based on graphics, a set of questions can
be raised. By answering these questions, a coherent paragraph can be

For Example ,
Write a composition based on the data given below: “Problems affecting
the Indian nation ”

(Taken from Total English 10 by P. Pinto and Xavier Pinto)

A set of questions could be framed to interpret this data:
i. What is this data about?
ii. Mention the type of pictorial representation used.
iii. What information can be gleaned from this data ?

Answers to the above -mentioned questions :
i. The data is about the problems faced by the Indian nation and the
extent of each problem. .
ii. Pie-Chart
iii. The most prevalent problem is Corruption and the least is Poverty.

61% 11% 14% 14% CorruptionPovertyTerrorismCommunal

Page 100

A paragraph based on the answers could be framed, thus:

Problems affecting the Indian nation

The ab ove Pie -Chart represents the problems faced by the Indian
nation namely , Corruption, Poverty, Terrorism, and Communal
violence; and the exte nt to which each affects it. We , therefore,
observe that Corruption (61%) is the greatest problem. Terrorism,
and Communal violence affect it in equal measure (14%). And finally,
Poverty (11%) affects it the least. So, it is obvious that Corruption
(compared to the other three mentioned problems) is a gigantic one,
whereas the other three appear quite minor in co mparison. There is a
huge difference between the extent to which Corruption affects the
Indian nation, and the extent to which the other three do so.

Writing is a skill that can be acquired, like any other skill with
perseverance, and pr actice. As a paragraph is the basic unit of any piece
of writing, learning to compose a well -written, and coherent paragraph is
the first step towards developing one’s writing skills. Adherence to a few
rules could go a long way in helping the learner understand how a
paragraph could be built up. A step by step approach, which includes
detailed explanation, examples , and points of consideration provide the
much -needed guidelines.

a. Paragraph
A section of a piece of writing that begins on a new line and contains one
or more sentences. (MacMillan Dictionary)

b. Coherence
The quality of being logical and consistent/ of forming a unified whole.
(Oxford Dictionary)

c. Cohesion
Forming a unified whole by linking individual sentences and parts of
sentences by using various devices (Oxford Dictionary)

1. Write a paragraph for the following Topic sentences:
a. Topic Sentence : Trees play an important part in maintaining ecological
b. Topic Sentence: Air pollution poses a serious threat to Mother Earth

Page 101

2. Write a Topic sentence for the following paragraph:
--------------------------------------------------- . It is essential for all of us to
inculcate this good practice as this is very safe to pr actise by any age
group. Yoga keeps us healthy, fit and fine. It not only improves muscle
tone, but also instils a greater sense of well -being. Additionally, stress
management, mental health, and concentration on work are all possible
with Yoga. With a few simple Yoga postures, students can make their
study schedule workable and enjoyable. Thus they can easily handle the
examination stress. Yoga techniques help to relax/concentrate. For
example, g azing at distance relaxes eyes. Another way is to close y our
eyes and concentrate on things other than studies. Try to visualize your
face, eyes etc. Focus on things with deep concentration and let thought
flow free. Now bring the mind to the place where you are sitting. Also
visualize the things around you. In Yoga Prana is life force energy.
Pranayama is the conscious regulation of breath that circulates revitalizing
prana throughout the body. This breathing sends the message to the body
that all is well, and thereby interrupting the stress cycle.

3. Write a paragraph on each of the following topics:
 My Favo urite Sport
 Bollywood versus Hollywood
 How I spent my last weekend
 The Problems of Old Age
 The Life of a Teenager
 The Best Season of the Year
 The disadvantages of Social Media.
 Mobile phones have certainl y done considerable harm
 A dress code should be compulsory for colleges.

2. Study the following data and compose a paragraph on it.
Nationality wise Foreign Tourists Arrivals in India according to Age
Group, 2015:
Country of Nationality Arrivals in Numbers Distribution by Age Group (%) 0-14 Year 15-24 Year 25-34 Year 35-44 Year 45-54 Year 55-64 Year 65 Year & above Canada 281306 15.3 6.8 12.1 17.2 18.5 15.3 14.8 USA 1213624 20.0 6.9 10.4 17.2 14.4 14.4 10.6 Argentina 9351 2.2 5.9 28.5 21.6 15.8 15.8 9.1 Brazil 20610 2.6 8.1 29.2 23.9 13.5 13.5 5.3 Mexico 14049 2.7 9.2 27.3 22.2 14.4 14.4 6.5 Total 1538940

Page 102

(Taken from: India Tourism Statistics 2015 -: Ministry of Tourism:

The writer of this chapter gratefully acknowledges the following sources:

 Muthal , M., Malwadkar, P.P., Samtaney, A., Saradha, G., Shelar, P., &
Vaidya, B. (2009 ) Business Communication , University of Mumbai
 Kaul, A. (2007 ) Business Communication , Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited
 Rai, Urmila ( 2010 ) Business Communication , Himalaya Publishing
 Thomas , Sara and Krishnan, Vijaya ( 2016) Communication Skills in
English: A workbo ok, Vipul Publication
 Doctor , Rhoda and Doctor, Aspi ( 2014 ) Business Communication ,
Sheth Publishers Pvt Ltd.
 Mulgaonkar, S. (2016) Business Communication , Manan Prakashan
 Jacob, Muktha. ( 2019) Business Communication , Himalaya
Publishing House .
 Krishnamacharyulu , S. Business Communication , Himalaya Publishing
House .
 Viswanathan, R. (2010) Business Communication , Himalaya
Publishing House:
 Murphy, Herta and Hilde Brandt, Herbert W (1984) Effective Business
Communication, McGraw Hill, New York.
 Rodriques, M. (1992) Effective Business Communi cation , Concept
Publishing Company Pvt. Ltd.
 Bovee, C. (2011) . Business Communication Today: Pearson
 Lesikar, Raymond V and Petit, John D.(1994) Business
Communication: Theory and Application , Richard D. Irwin Inc. Ilinois
 Parson, C.J. and Hughes (1970) Wri tten Communication for Business
Students, Great Britain.
 Prof Anvekar, Yogesh (2019) FYBA Communication Skills, IDOL,
University of Mumbai
 Business Communication: F.Y.B.Com/S.Y.B.A. , IDOL, University of
Mumbai .
 Lingua Forum (2009) Lingua Essays for TOEFL/IELTS, Dreamtech
Press. New Delhi
 Pinto, Pamela and and Pinto, Xavier (2001) Total English 10 ICSE:
with Aural and Oral English, Morning Star MSB Publishers Pvt Ltd,
New Delhi
 Panel of Authors (2008) Achieve r ICSE English Language Total
Solution, Janta Book Depot Pvt Ltd, New Delhi
 Chaudhary, Swapnil. Business Communication

Page 103

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